Monday, November 22

Knowledge Learned From The Fish-like Aliens

Dogon from Mali
Dogon in masks
Sirius A and Sirius BIn my post War Of The Worlds Remnants Are On The Moon I mentioned how the Dogon people of West Africa were familiar with the star Sirius B long before the rest of civilisation were aware that it existed.

It is strange how some races of people, often today thought of as primitive, had and have knowledge that seems far above their capabilities.

Lets look at the Dogon people first and their strange stories of visitors to earth and how their appearance was 'fishlike'.

The Dogon people live in Mali, with their nearest town being Timbuktu, and have religious beliefs handed down through the generations. These they say were given to them by visitors from another star system.

They star they refer to is Sirius B (small dot bottom left of photo), which was only 'discovered' by the rest of the world in 1844. The Dogon call this star Po Tolo, which means small seed (po) and star (tolo).

They call this the smallest thing there is and that it is the heaviest star and is white in colour. Sirius B cannot be seen by the naked eye - so these facts could not have been observed by the Dogon.

We now know that Sirius B is a small white dwarf star and is extremely dense and heavy. So their knowledge was pretty accurate: the smallness, the heaviness and it's colour. And also that it orbited Syrius A every 50 years.

They also say there is yet another star in the Sirius system, which they call Emme Ya but this has not been confirmed - as yet - by western astronomers.

The Dogon belief is that the Sirius B was the first star made by God and from it all souls are produced.

Their knowledge came, they say, from the Nommos who visited earth from the Sirius star system.

The Nommos also informed them of facts such as: that Saturn has rings and Jupiter has four moons.

These visitors to earth were amphibious beings and were also called the Masters of the Water. The craft in which they arrived landed 'after spinning and whirling'.

From the craft came something with four legs, more fishlike than human, that was able to drag the vessel to water, where it floated.

The Nommos became the Dogon's spiritual guardians. We then get a familiar story:

"The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them ... they gave all their life principles to human beings.

The Nommos was crucified and resurrected and in the future will visit earth again, this time in human form. Later he will assume his amphibious form and will rule the world from the waters."

There have been other amphibious visitors, this time according to Babylonian accounts of the Oannes who came to earth to assist the human race. They arrived in an egg shaped vehicle.

In the third century a Babylonian priest, Berossus, recorded a history of Mesopotamia. In this he recorded that the Oannes, "had the shape of a fish blended with that of a man ... a complicated form between fish and man."

He went on to say about the Oannes:

"The whole body of the animal was like that of a fish; and had under a fish's head, another head and also feet below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail.

The Being in the daytime used to converse with men, but took no food ... he gave them an insight into letters and sciences and every kind of art. He taught them to construct houses, to found temples, to compile laws and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge ...

When the sun set, it was custom for the being to plunge into the sea, and abide all night in the deep, for he was amphibious."

There is a further account of amphibian visitors, this time recorded by Saint Photius of Constantinople who tells of a story recounted by the historian Helladius:

"... a man named Oe who came out of the Red Sea having a fish-like body but the head, feet and arms of man, and who taught astronomy and letters. Some accounts say he came out of a great egg, whence his name, and that he was actually a man, but only seemed a fish because he was clothed in the skin of a sea creature."

So we see similarities between the Dogon, Ooanes and Oe visitors from other stars. They were all amphibious or fish like and arrived in eggs (space crafts). Their coverings could have been a form of space suits.

In each case they meant no harm to human life and imparted knowledge to help human mankind on their way - as did the likes of Jesus and other Masters.

How could the Dogon know about Sirius B? They couldn't see it, had no instruments - but they still had the knowledge.

Dogon photo: Devriese

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  1. Wonderful post. These similarities in belief systems and knowledge is impressive. It seems that certain cultures are able to dip into his collective knowledge more easily.

  2. like this sort of stuff. it always seems so possible and amazing how these old cultures have similar stories.

  3. Gosh, that got me thinking - and that's no mean feat! Must see if I can read up some more on the Dogon.

  4. So crazy-amphibian like creatures? All things are possible. Sometimes I obtain knowledge of things in dreams that when I tell people they are shocked as how can I know things about them. So all things are possible.

  5. Thanks for the comments: As Visionary Butterfly writes, all things are indeed possible. I have actually continued this theme with another post which will most likely be published on Fri 26th.
