I have to admit I don't know much about Shadow People but was reminded of them when I saw the above photo on Pinterest. Catherine G wrote about the photo: "The Parker family visited Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in the month of August 2010 and took this strange photo. They thought nothing of it until they heard the tale of Shadow People on a radio program."
But, as happens in life, I came across another photo said to be of a Shadow Person without really looking for it:
Very mysterious. So what are these Shadow People? Well, it seems nobody is really sure. The Paranormal Society write:
"Shadow People are not human entities. We don't believe they're ghosts. Don't believe they're demons either. But, on a scale, we'd say Shadow People lean more towards the negative side, especially given the bad feelings we get from the vibes they give off. It's suggested that they're presence means something bad, or that something bad will happen."
So that sounds none too pleasant. Wikipedia describes them thus:
"A shadow person, also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass, is an alleged paranormal entity. Paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis has expressed the belief that shadow people are malevolent supernatural entities."
There is a thread on the subject on the abovetopsecret forum. One gentleman, Em2013, writes:
"I have seen hundreds of shadows with my wife, best friend, and a few others. They are hard to dismiss as a mere coincidence of the darkness, hallucinations caused by paranoia or group lies. Sometimes they come alone, sometimes they come in pairs or as a group. We've seen armies in Canada of these things before and I wish I were kidding as frightening as they are."
Another photo from Pinterest this time from geisterportal. He or she writes about Shadow People, "They have no purpose and don’t seem to be harbingers of any sort" and wonders if they are, "... :from another dimension."
A very short video:
Also see:
Sightings Of Shadow People Who Walk Our World
Other Ghost Story Posts:
The Photo Of The Ghost Of Broomfield Cottage Tawstock
The Ghost Of A Nun Was Herself In A Previous Life
The Ghost Who Chased A Thief

Eerie phenomenon. When my daughter was small, she used to be afraid of the "shadow people." I've often wondered if they are the inhabitants of a reality that exists alongside our own.
ReplyDeletescary but i can see that shadows can play tricks with our eyes maybe some are imagination
ReplyDeleteInteresting theory put forward by Chad Stambaugh is that these "shadows" are actually the shadows of people having out of body experiences. I personally agree with Trish above, and am more inclined to think they may be interdimensional. Who knows for sure?
ReplyDeleteThey are dead people who are trapped between two worlds (planes). They might be people who suicided or very material or gready people who refused to leave this world right away and they become trapped in this plane of existence.
ReplyDeleteWhy would people who've committed suicide be inclined to stay? Wouldn't the opposite make more sense?
DeleteIsn't that the definition of "ghost"?
DeleteWhat you are describing are ghosts. Shadow people is something very different and unexplained even to sensitive people that can see and communicate with Ghosts.
DeleteNo. The purpose of this Life is to recognize yourself as a Thing of Value. Recognition of this allows you to "move on". Suicide, in certain cases, is proof of failure of this pre-requisite.
DeleteI've seen one of these dudes before love the theory of shadows of people astral projecting that gives me chills when I think how true that theory rings between my ears lol
DeleteI used to see them. They were usually smaller than a human and dense black, not see thru'. I got so I barely noticed them as they seemed harmless with no feeling of portent. Don't know what they are but I tend to agree that it's some kind of other dimension thing. A leak maybe. Or a colliding of universes. I don't see them anymore. I've moved, so maybe location has something to do with them. A curious thing to be sure.
ReplyDeleteI would be terrified and it would haunt me for years.
DeleteI have seen them also, often as small black 'things' that are moving across a threshold or along a counter top or up a wall. And I've seen them in more than one location.
ReplyDeleteInterdimensional, parallel universes? I have no idea... and they are not always nice. Often I find myself experiencing more than usual ptsd from 'Nam when they are around so I've taken to command that they leave and use various technologies to back the command up... usually works. Doesn't seem to matter if the house or place is new or old... however, the older are more apt to have them.
I feel like they have a connection to suppressed emotions that have been left around... like cobwebs... Like what it feels like to enter an old vacated psych ward...or old prison.... only much less, but similar.
What ever they are, I think they're looking for release... we ought to assist when we can. I certainly wouldn't want to be in that state,
I see a thing around the upstairs of my apartment that's fuzzy-looking and dark, about the size of a football, but it's tubular in shape, with a half-globe at each end. It moves around a few inches off the floor. I see it mostly with my peripheral vision. Anyone else ever seen one of these?
DeleteThe feeling I get about it is pretty neutral, neither friendly nor hostile, but it seems, to me, to be aware of my presence in some way...
I see the face in the image above, but it's in totally the wrong location on the "figure" - way too low. I think maybe it's the mind's tendency to organize random things like pixels into something recognizable.
Maybe it is aware of ur presence. Just a thought if it is an inter dimensional being? Maybe it can see u in it's dimension and you appear the same to.it as it does to you
DeleteWhat if they're a psichicall representation of our suppressed emotions??
The face in the clip looks like a Greenman (Greenie)
ReplyDeleteI dated a girl twice a couple of weeks before Christmas one year. She was at my house and as I got up off the couch she did also and started to grab me for a kiss. As I looked at her, I could see past her into my kitchen. I saw a BLACK mass at the stove, in a split second it went behind the island of cabinets and then behind her and disappeared.. made the hair on my arms and neck stand up. Never told her, couple weeks later got a call she had overdosed.. Couple months later was talkin to someone that said that was her addiction and evil dependency that was following her around.
ReplyDeleteGhosts are very real, but they are demonic spirits. They trick people into believing there is no consequence when you die, you have the option of moving on, its your choice. The word demon translates loosely to of great knowledge. So can take the form of anything like a loved one. I just love the stories... I heard scratching on the walls and something was hovering over me in bed, after urinating on myself I realized it was just dear old granny watching over me.
ReplyDeleteI have lived with several ghosts here and there, and I can tell you without hesitation that they were not "demonic' or malignant in any way. One was a female form that visited every apartment periodically, and seemed to just be checking up on the welfare of everyone. I think you are projecting your own dark religious views upon the state of things.
DeleteIn New Mexico, I saw the dark form of a large Indian man in the doorway of my bedroom a couple of times. It seemed, again, a rather neutral sort of apparition. This was all Indian territory everywhere a few hundred years before. Maybe a shaman just getting up on the state of current affairs in a piece of land familiar to him
I agree with you completely...they want to trick everyone into thinking that they are a spirit with maybe unfinished business or whatever else. .if people believe that then they won the battle and it takes away from the belief in God.
Deletebeen seeing shadows and things that "were not there" for years. Recently there has been an uptick. I keep these to myself by my wife and my mother had commented to me that they had been seeing things as well. They usually cycle and then fade but this time its been very busy....
ReplyDeleteI've often seen them after multiple days of amphetamine use, Unnerving, to say the least. Especially during a bad comedown...
ReplyDeleteI'm not suggesting in any way it wasn't real. However, amphetamine use = lack of sleep, which always plays tricks on the visual cortex. I think that's what's happening to you.
DeleteOf course, amphetamines are a dark and destructive pastime, so maybe your subconscious is telling you to leave that dark energy behind; not preaching, but maybe you should take the suggestion!
Isn't that what they call "Crank Monsters"?
DeleteI have on several occasions seen a shadow horse walking through my living room. More often thought its shadow people. Don't feel anything from them, kind of neutral and weird.
DeleteAh, the shadow people, allias archons of the pre -christian gnostics; the demons of the new testament; the De Jinn of Islam; the inorganic beings and allies of the old Mexcian sorsorrers as told by Carlos Castaneda..
Delete..."SHADOW PEOPLE" were an invention by Art Bell of Coast to Coast Radio Show some 12 years ago! They are only imaginery, don't believe in them!
ReplyDeleteReally? lol. They are real. I have seen them. And they are malevolent. I was not a believer until I had many supernatural experiences with I wish I didn't have. You will be surprised what is out there. Never dismiss other people's opinions You are lucky you have never dealt with them.
DeleteWhile I believe in many aspects of the supernatural I'm not a firm believer in shadowpeople, because where are the ancient stories of them? They are relatively new to me so my ancestors don't appear to mention them, and lighting their way with flaming torches or sat around fires would surely have cast many areas in which shadowpeople could appear. I think two relatively recent developments have given rise to these stories; electric lighting (brighter lights, darker shadows), and photography, giving interesting images which play with the mind. Mick M.
ReplyDeleteI saw one for years . It was a small man wearing a top hat figure. It appeared on Christmas eve on a dresser with an accompanying eerie feeling. No one else could see it . Occasionally, it's arm would move and even shining a light on it would make part of it disappear., so I knew it wasn't a shadow. Years later I found out the house was built near a paleo Indian burial ground.
ReplyDeleteMy sister saw this same shadow man with a top hat standing in the doorway. I don't live in that house anymore though. At my *new* old house one night my friend took a lot of diphenhydramine just to see what the delirium was like, he really regretted it though haha. When I asked him about the experience he said he was awake all night and this shadow man with a top hat was standing over him in my room. I was asleep at the time but it seems that a lot of people see that same shadow man.
DeleteDo shadow people cast shadows? Why are they always black?
ReplyDeleteAre there White Shadow people?
If you shine a light on them, do they dis appear?
Can you walk through them or do they have mass?
Do they box? I like to shadow box and was wondering if they would like to fight me!
The only boxing your going to do is the boxing between your ears! These things are not flesh and blood, they are from a spiritual realm.
DeleteI had been waking up unable to breath. It felt as it something was on my chest. Once it started I wold wake up gasping for air and go back to bed. It wasent that often.but one nighT woke up and I could see my body laying down asleeep I cheerfuy realized out of body experiences are real. But i quickly realized u was not alone litle black shadows Were trying to pull me in to a red vortex Email electrician120@gmail.com if u know anything about this It happened to me
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger, I had out of body experiences....I hated it, and would try to stop it when I realized it was about to start. Thank goodness I haven't had any more for a couple of decades.
DeleteHave anyone had dream feeling pullin to a black wormhole slowly?
DeleteIt is a real phenomenon, my older used to complain about these in the seventies, we all blew it off until I witnessed the same in the eighties. since it dropped away, until couple years ago and my son told me out of the blue he was seeing them. over the last couple years we or the dogs will catch them in the house. I never had any bad feelings from these observations, but we had one experience while cleaning offices at night. the shadow person made its presence known and over time became more aggressively pronounced. my wife and son were becoming more aware and afraid. one night I worked the stop alone and was cleaning the kitchen back turned and felt it walk up behind me, it or they make noise, every hair on my body stood up. I finished turned and gathered my things, when I was ready to walk out I was so pissed I turned off the main lights and called it out. I used GOD and Jesus on it and chased the noise and gibberish it let out to a cubby hole in the bacm, told it it had to go. left pretty freaked out. when we returned the following week we didn't sense or see it. we got rid of the stop. what ever it is it is real. I'm a combat infantry veteran, been in some scary positions but never had the hair litreally stand up on my entire body.
ReplyDeleteIf you see them, you are probably looking at souls who have not found their way to heaven. You need to tell them to "go to the blue light".
ReplyDeletei live in an old house and my wife and i see them at the same time. One is rather large. about 7'. sometimes 2 at once.
ReplyDeleteI've seen them all my life. It got to the point where I just accepted them like they are a part of everyday living---same as I might see you, yet not see you.....
ReplyDeleteNot sure what they are but no answer I have found on the internet is satisfying.
ReplyDeleteIve had friends which have seen them, at the time they were pretty heavy meth users & usually encountered them in a hypnogogic state, when sleep was long overdue. I suspect they are the archons the gnostics spoke of, the "mud shadows" of castenada also refered to as inorganic beings as metioned above.
ReplyDeleteI started seeing them right after I first started reading the gnostic Nag Hammadi texts and thinking hmm jesus sounds like hes basically an alien from outside this universe. Before I just thought he was a human. I was also really hating my flatmate at the time as he always used the dining room like it was his office. I think they were attracted by both these factors.
DeleteISLAM GAVE ME FULL EXPLANATION ABOUT THIS TOPIC...search word JINNS on google and that is truth about them...i also have expirience with them and i was scared at begining, but now i now what it is and when you know enemy, you can easily confront him with counter measures
ReplyDeleteI think I have actually communicated with a shadow person. I didn't know of this phenomenon until reading this. I thought my experience was too movie-like and unbelievable. The term shadow person never occurred to me because it was more of a dark cloud with cloud tentacles, sorta like the "LOST" monster (which really freaked me out at first).
ReplyDeleteSo one night I was staying at my girlfriends house, sleeping on her water bed. We were both interested in astral proj/ out of body stuff. As I lay there I began to relax and slowly go through exercises that help you have an out of body exp. when I am roughly pulled from my body and into the hallway.
I look to the end of the hallway where the den is supposed to be. It takes me a few seconds to understand that im not seeing the den, Im seeing what looks like a dark cloud with cloudy tentacles filling the entrance to the den. I thought to myself, "Ok" and then "Well what are you?"
The next thing I experience is so overwhelming its hard to describe. First there was the sense of someone standing very close and breathing on me. Then there was instant suffocating terror. I felt like I could hear talking or whispering coupled with a rush of imagery.
Im gone. I have almost no sense of self and all I can do is hold on and take in information. It said, not in words, that it made the darkness and was made of darkness. It showed me a decaying cat and said that it was between it and the ground. It showed me the space behind a fridge and a crawl space under a house. It showed me moments of looking into the house at night watching myself with my girlfriend and her friends like it had been watching us and wanted me to know.
In between these images, it kept showing me images of the bog behind the house with a dark creeping fog that kept reaching for the house my girl lived in. This made me think that the bog was it's source or where it lived.
Then it conveyed that it had more important knowledge to give to me and I basically freaked out by this point. I thought about my body and about being conscious and walking around. I felt a rush and suddenly Im back in my body and my eyes are open. Im laying on my back fully conscious starring at the same dark cloudy stuff undulating on the ceiling.
I elbowed my girlfriend, trying to wake her up I thought, "please go away please go away please go away!" Then I hear her say, "What is that?" She could see it on the ceiling. Then she freaks out and we got up and left. She basically stayed at my house until her lease was up. She would go there and stay from time to time and she said as long as I wasnt there she slept fine and there was nothing weird. But as soon as I set foot in there the air would become electric.
I could feel it. Every time I entered this place it felt like walking into a room full of people that are starring at you, when you thought the room was empty. This was not the only thing to happen to me at this house, just the scariest!
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DeleteThey are not people. They stand right beside my bed watching me they/it leans right over looking right at me. They have no face they radiate darkness and are short 5' tall. They radiate or induce a horrible dread and fear and noticeably suck the energy out. They are totally alien like from another dimension. Some say they just watch but the times Ive seen them, the nasty vibe wakes me up and Ive said what do you want but they dont answer treat you like you are nothing but a primitive farm animal. Ive read that they do talk but only to scare you. I really get the impression they try to be as scary as possible - to suck more fear out of you. I know it sounds utterly outrageous but Ive told people I know. They are real and Id rather look like Im crazy than keep quiet about these aliens. I feel like: what happens now? -this changes everything! I think they are what Islam calls Jinns but I call them Aliens from outside this universe. This fake zoo/farm enclosure we call the universe is not real. Its a simulation.
ReplyDelete@Gor Don You don't have to be afraid to much from them, some fear is there i must confess, but you must have fear from our Divine Creator and not from jinns, they're just creatures like we're.
DeleteMy advice to you as muslim is to find surah Al-Bakara on YT and to play it loud enough so they can hear it, because they run away when hear it.
Don't be sceptical to Islam because media says all worst for Islam. Surah Al-Bakara is way to you influence to them, thrust me...and they're not aliens from outer space, they're here from Earth. KNOLEDGE IS POWER...LEARN MY FRIEND
Although I have never personally seen them -or at least if I have been dismissing there presence- but I have several friends who have encountered them. Most of them have been followed by them since childhood, specifically the age of 4. Some of my friends have seen their whole body, some only glimpses of the Shadow people, and some have been attacked. My knowledge of their existence and there "stalking" started some time in April of last year, when me and two of my friends (one being stalked by these creatures) had started to talk about reincarnation and shared dreams. It seemed the more we talked about it, the more weird things started to happen. My friend that wasn't being stalked started having these terrible pains, especially in her chest area. As the events continued, she started getting scratches and bruises when she slept, as well as nightmares. eventually it got so bad that we decided to stop, and we have never spoken about it again.
ReplyDeleteRecently though, starting this past Halloween night, another friend started to talk to me about strange things that dealt with reincarnation and the Shadow people; how they've stalked her and have given her scratches and bruises. Although she doesn't see there full body, she has gotten glimpses of them as they left rooms or darted across hallways. She wasn't the only one of my friends who had been experiencing these kinds of phenomenas. Another friend of mine had been stalked and watched by the Shadow people, their presence more recent than in the past, and just recently (probably a week ago) our mutual friend had been chased by three shadow people in the middle of the night. All four of us had started talking about reincarnation and lost memories from past lives when the sightings and attacks got more intense. We are unsure what the shadow people want, or why they suddenly started to become more active when we started investigating about reincarnation, but we theorize that they are connected; like they are trying to scare us away from finding out about reincarnation (specifically what we have been researching). Despite the attacks and the general dark presence the Shadow people have, we are continuing to research about it in hopes of finding a solution to the shadow people problem as well as others that are involved and most importantly: answers. I doubt that anyone on here will have any idea of what we are going through, but I thought it would be some nice information on some shadow people activity, and who knows, maybe someone can give the four of us some ideas.
Kai : many thanks for your story, it's interesting to hear about you and your friends experiences.
DeleteBitte sehn (you're welcome.) We're continuing to do research on the issue right now. In fact we have had more activity recently. They started to interact with my friends and myself over the last 4 days. They been moving objects, (like important documents on the research we've done so far,) and interacting with electionics, like computer coding and turning things on and off randomly. Not only that, but they caused a huge power serge to happen at my house, which caused me too loose some important research.
My daughter, when she was little, used to say a black thing with red eyes was in her closet. She called it "The Perry" So I'm a bit freaked out here!!!
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ReplyDeleteTime traveling tourists with faulty cloaking devices
ReplyDeleteI've seen shadows multiple times, but one specifically sticks out. I was in my room at around 9:30 PM in the dark when i felt a warmth on my arm. I knew that that was my protector (he/she has not revealed his/herself to me yet, but i've felt him/her once before) and my protector only comes when something bad is about to happen energetically. He/she helps take the pain off of it, i'm sensitive to these things. I looked at my mirror as i felt something pushing me to look over there and I saw what was probably the scariest thing ever reflected in the mirror outside my room. A dementor shaped shadow was pretty obviously trying to get into my room, and even though my protector was there, i felt this overwhelming sense of fear. I didn't sleep well that night. Also, last night i saw a green eyed shadow. Anyone seen anything like that before?
ReplyDeleteoh forgot to add, A very VERY negative energy spoke to me once. She (that's what the voice sounded like) said "That's heaven [my name here], don't you want to go?" Rivals with my previous post on scariness
ReplyDeleteI used to see shadow people, first one i saw i was 14 years old back in 1999, before anyone started talking about them. Stopped seeing them in 2005 when i was almost 20.
ReplyDeleteFirst sighting was when i was walking home from school. I lived in a small town of about 900 people and on the way to my house was a wood bridge i had to cross. The shadow man was leaning against the right rail slightly hunched over. Stood about 12ft tall and was wearing a large top hat that probably gave it another 2ft to the form. I was on main street which meant this thing was about 70 yards away. Scared me so bad i walked about a mile out of my way to cross the car bridge and when i came past the wood bridge on the other side i didnt look toward it and just ran home. Also, the things are not see-through, like what some have stated, they are pure blackness.
I should also mention i was starting to fall into a deep depression at the time and would eventually attempt suicide about a year later.
The second time i saw one it was in my bedroom at night. I could see it even though my room was pretty dark. They are darker than black, if that makes any sense... It was on the wall past the foot of my bed and when i noticed it it moved along the ceiling and laid next to me in my bed. I wasn't that scared, oddly enough, and i stuck my hand out and actually touched it. It was easily 10 degrees colder than my room. Probably closer to 20. I eventually just went to sleep with it there.
Third time i saw it, and the last time, i was almost 20 years old and working at a foster home for a mentally challenged elderly woman. It was at night and i was in bed trying to sleep. The house was in a larger city so some outside lights were lighting up my room a bit. So, when i opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling above me, there was a black circle about the size of a basketball. It grew in size rapidly, maybe about human sized but maintained its round shape, then it dropped at me. It happened rather fast and i closed my eyes and flinched so hard i kind of jumped laying down.
Anyway, those were all personal experiences i've shared with only a few people. I believe they tend to show up to people who are deeply depressed or a bit emotional unhinged.
I have a cousin who was in the hospital after she tried killing herself after she had a stillborn. Happened about 3 years ago. She was telling me she was visited by the devil. I'm an atheist so i didn't believe that. I asked her to describe this 'devil' and she said it was a black figure in the shape of a man that stood next to her in her hospital bed. Yup...