Dan left the following comment on my blog post Receiving White Feathers From The Dead. It's not strictly about white feathers - though it is in a way, but the feathers are still attached to a white dove.
I have a story about a white dove if doves mean anything.
One day I came home from work and a white dove was perched on the steps that lead up to the front door of my house. No doves or birds of any kind were ever previously on my steps.
This white dove would not move to let me by. I made noises, waved my hand, stared at the dove ... nothing happened.
Finally I went in the back door of my house. I looked out the window and this one lone white dove was still on the front steps at 4pm and 5pm and 6pm.
At 7pm that night I received an urgent phone call saying my aunt had suddenly passed away that afternoon. I looked out the window one last time and the dove flew away never to come back at all on any day.
I dont know for sure if that means anything but I think it does.
I have a story about a white dove if doves mean anything.
One day I came home from work and a white dove was perched on the steps that lead up to the front door of my house. No doves or birds of any kind were ever previously on my steps.
This white dove would not move to let me by. I made noises, waved my hand, stared at the dove ... nothing happened.
Finally I went in the back door of my house. I looked out the window and this one lone white dove was still on the front steps at 4pm and 5pm and 6pm.
At 7pm that night I received an urgent phone call saying my aunt had suddenly passed away that afternoon. I looked out the window one last time and the dove flew away never to come back at all on any day.
I dont know for sure if that means anything but I think it does.
I think that Dan's comment speaks for itself so I'll simply add three references to white doves.
~ 1 ~ According to Symbolic and Mythological Animals
~ 2 ~ During the canonization ceremony of Christian Saints, white doves are released to represent the soul rising to heaven.
~ 3 ~ In Christian Iconography, a white dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
More White Dove Stories:
White Doves As Messengers From The Dead
A White Dove As A Message From Her Dead Mother
White Doves Acting As Messengers From The Dead
Photos of Cornwall on "Mike's Cornwall" Blog

White doves or owls, it seems that birds are often messengers about a loved one passing on. I'm glad Dan sensed it and wrote you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Trish - owls as well, forgot that.
ReplyDeleteMy mom passed away May 2014 from cancer. While she was ill. My family and I watched Touched By An Angel every day, sometimes twice daily. For those who are not familiar, its about for Angels that God sends to earth to help ppl fix there lives. This movie always come on with Singing by Dela Reese and a lady letting go of a white scarf and it turns into a white Dove. Sometimes my mom would be sleeping but when she hear this show coming on she would wake up singing. My passed around 3a.m. a day after Mothers Day and 2 days before her bday. Later that same day my mom passed all of our family was sitting outside in our gargage and just all over the lawn was family just reminiscing. All of a sudden my daughter and I see this all white dove flying very low in a circle around the yard. It flew around the 3 consecutive times before it flew across the street andbset on a telephone phone pole facing our house. We knew she was sending us message the she was at peace. That was the most comforting moment of my life.
DeleteMy mother also passed 2 days after motherday and this year her birthday was on it as well as im sitting a dove gray white whith a black strip on its neck is sitting and making dove noises it showed up on the previous day and this dove i can actually come close like centimeter from it see it got no markings or band so its wild and its comforting to see it. We got no white dove here in namibia as far as i know. But its close
ReplyDeleteHere's a story for you;
"Man's face seen in clouds before death"
My mother also past away from cancer. During her stay at the hospital a white dove sat at her window.Now recently our really good friend past away suffering from gangrene and his legs were chopped off when we got home a dove was at our house injured he is still here but he can fly.
DeleteI went today and placed a memorial garden stake on my best friends grave who died two months ago today (I just now realized that the date was significant). While I was there I prayed and asked to feel her presence. I wanted assurance that she was in heaven and happy now. When I left, I did not feel any particular assurance, other than having a good feeling from visiting her burial site and placing a memorial with her photo there so people can remember her beautiful smile. When I returned home, there was a white bird sitting near my driveway between her old house (we used to be neighbors) and mine. When I got out of my car to investigate (I was afraid it was someones pet bird) I discovered it was a white dove. I immediately felt assurance that my friend was in heaven and she had sent this white dove as a message to let me know that she was in heaven and all is well.
ReplyDeleteSo, My husband and I where on the way to see my mother and saw three doves flying in formation. Does anyone know what that means? The three doves where flying so close to my car almost had to pull over. I was so afraid they where going to hit my car but they stayed right on the side of it.
ReplyDeleteMy father had. a massive heart attack they told him he would live 3 months almost 10 yrs later he and my mom were at hospital he would not let her go back dr. room with her they told him he had 3 days he never told her as they were leavin a white dove hoverd by passenger window mom thought it meant he would be ok dad knew it meant he had been expected. into heaven the only reason we knew they gave him3 days is he told my uncle who told us at funeral i believe they are. a sign of exceptance with all my heart
DeleteWhite doves are gods messengers & symbols of the holy spirit, they represent all the beauty of the world (Los Angeles)
ReplyDeleteDavid, about a month ago on a Friday morning my husband witnessed about one hundred large white doves and one white pigeon hovering over my home property, they were on the electrical wires , poles and trees for about ten minutes, all passerbys were admiring the scene, my husband came in to the house to tell me about the beautiful site he had just witnessed and he just thought it was a good sign. I wonder what it really meant?
DeleteI pulled in the driveway and my son and I seen the dive in the yard it would not take off she inside safe friendly we have to have no where to go I believe it's a sigh from someone special to me that passed away it has to mean hope have faith you will survive
DeleteI had a dream shortly after becoming a Christian about hundreds of white doves flying towards the front of my house and over my house and in the middle of all this a very large dove
DeleteIn the dream my grass and the sky was rainbow colors and the grass was bright almost fluorescent color of green.I fell to my knees. I took the dream as God telling me
To continue with him and the doves was the holy Spirit. Love And peace came over me.
I was supposed to be killed today. There is no way I should be alive right now but a white dove guarded my house. SEE VIDEOS BELOW!
ReplyDeleteThis video is of the guy sent to kill me.
This video is of the white dove caught on camera.
You post a link to a video, but you list it as private, are you into games?
DeleteHi Mike Perry. It was the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT coming as a DOVE is not a Roman Catholic symbol, its a Biblical Christian symbol. Read John's Gospel Chapter 1. Hope to hear from you soon. GOD BLESS, David.
ReplyDeleteOne time 2 white doves arrived at my home on St. Valentines Day and stayed. White doves are RARE and to have two arrive on Valentines Day!! - I took it as a symbol of love from above.
DeleteActually was 2 occasions when white dove arrived on St. Valentines, another instance was a few years prior
ReplyDeleteI had a dream last night that the world ended. Ok so my dream played out like this I was at home and all of a sudden I heard one of the loudest noise so I went out to see what was going on coming to find out the world was ending so I started pray for forgiveness then all these doves started to fly over me, then a light started to shine down so when I looked up to see where/what it was god was up by the clouds mind you that he was just floating he then started to lift a couple of ppl up towards the sky then came as close to my face then ask me 2 questions I dnt remeber what he ask/said but I remember saying yes then the 2nd question I just could not understand because I remember sayin what but he never reply he just dissapared and left me was so scary because I just dnt kn what that could mean plus the way he appeard in my dream he didnt look human like, more like he was made out of cement ...
This past saturday 1/19/2013 my mother past away. Yesterday My dad and I went to the front yard of there house to walk her dog and reminiscing the memories of my mom. All of a sudden out of know where a white dove comes towards us and flaps its wings in a still motion. My dad and I then look at one another and said wow where did the white dove come from ( we live in Las Vegas so you dont see doves like that) as we looked back the dove vanished. I told my sisters of the dove and one of my sisters say the dove the day before. I believe this was a sign from or for my mom letting us know she is ok and she is at peace and in heaven. It was just truely remarkable.
ReplyDeleteI also live in Las Vegas, NV, born and raised here, I have never seen a white dove in my life until a couple months ago a white dove walked right up to me and my husband on our porch, tame as could be, we fed him some crackers I had and he flew away, he has come back every single day since then, I now buy him bird seed! He is a pure white dove and I have NEVER seen one here in Vegas before, we named him Peace and he still lives wild but comes to my porch for breakfast or lunch everyday still! I am not sure what to think of that either!
DeleteJuly 2008 My step father died of a very aggressive cancer, melanoma. A few hours before his death, I looked out his window at the hospice center he was at. I noticed a few white doves near a base of a small tree. After I left, a few hours later I got a call from my mom that he had passed. Latter that evening I went for a walk with my family down the street, looked up and noticed a few white doves flying above me. To the day, I do not recall seeing white doves flying around. I always wondered about this dove sighting experience. Just thought I would share.
ReplyDeleteI see white doves almost on a daily and white owls when I'm out at night, generally I run into ALOT of white animals. What does it mean???
ReplyDeleteMike my friend told me how her auntie and uncle were being harassed by a young rowdy anti-social drug dealing family and their customers living across the road so I visualised the auntie's place guarded by two huge angels at the front door and two at the back gate but placed an identical angelic quartet guarding the other hostile household on the principle those who menace others often do so out of a deepseated fear of their own vulnerability. Anyway by a curious coincidence white feathers started getting found round the house and things calmed down.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting Alan, hadn't heard of something like that previously - thanks.
Deletei think i was saved by an angel yesterday. i was riding bikes with a friend along the l.a river on a bike path and we stopped under a bridge and i seen a white dove fly and sit on a ledge under the bridge and was staring at me the whole time....later that night i was getting a ride home and was in the front passenger seat and a car came flying out of an ally and i seen it happen in slow motion as the car almost hit the side i was on...at the last moment we swerved out of the way just before the car hit us....i dont know if the white dove ment something but i feel it was a guardian angle
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine passed away about 15 months ago, he died fairly young at 32 years old. He was hit by a car while walking home one day. Yesterday would have been his 34th birthday (7/1/13) and I posted a message on his facebook page that went something like this: Happy Birthday! Please show me a sign that you have received this message.
ReplyDeleteAs I was driving to work this morning a big white dove appeared out of nowhere. I thought I was going to hit the bird as it caught my attention but it swooped to the left and flew closely alongside me for a few seconds as I drove down the highway. It was there for a bit and then vanished as mysteriously as it had appeared, I turned my head to see where it was and quickly looked for it in my rear view mirrors but it was gone. When it disappeared the first thing that came to my mind was my friend. Yes it may have been a coincidence but I have never seen any doves in this town. It was the biggest dove I had ever seen. It was almost the size of a seagull but I’m 100% sure it was not a seagull; it was definitely a dove and possibly a sign from my friend that he indeed had received my “Happy Birthday!” message.
~ A.O.
hey guys well umm? i had a quick question the other day i was outside with my boyfriend just us two nobody else.. then i looked up at the sky and saw a dove fly by it was only one dove. i told my boyfriend to look because i had seen it first... only we had seen the dove fly by can someone tell me if this is a sign or what does it mean.... I m really Curious so let me know :) thanks
ReplyDeleteIt could have been a sign but I would say that only you can tell this. Do you think it has a meaning or a link with something or someone?
DeleteA white dove just fly into my window 5mins ago while i was texting someone on my computer.
ReplyDeleteI seen a white dove yesterday about 930 at night walking my dog the dog didny notice it the bird didn't even move this was strange to me
ReplyDeleteA couple of years ago my favorite uncle passed away. The funeral was held in the south. On the way to the Church I noticed a flock of about a dozen white doves fly accross our path. When I saw them I got the chills....I thought it was because I've never even seen a dove in real life. I mentioned this to the rest of the passengers and they thought it felt strange also. Once we got to the Church and the doors opened there it was....a dove white casket that gave me the same chill. I immediately knew it was a sign from my uncle telling me he was at peace.....I couldn't do any thing but smile through the tears....I was so glad to find this site of confirmation of the meaning of white doves.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, I took my dog to our favorite place- a long walk with thousands of acres of fields bordering a shrub-lined pathway to a large lake. It is a place that has brought much enjoyment to both of us many times. This time though I saw something pure white sitting two hundred yards away in a field of grass. I took my dog,Jack, into the field and walked towards it. When we got to within four feet and Jack finally realized what it was he lunged at it and it finally took off. It did something very unusual though. It flew in circles above us and then landed nearby. This time though Jack was unconcerned and continued on his way towards the lake. I went over to the spot I first saw the dove to see if there was a nest or some reason for it being in the middle of that field that would draw him towards it but found nothing. The dove was nearby and stayed where it was. I turned to follow Jack and in afterthought pulled out my phone to take a picture. When I turned to take one,the dove was gone. Beltsville Lake is now my "place of peace".
ReplyDeleteThank you Ron for your comment. I like the idea of a Place of Peace.
DeleteI took a trip with my family to california. As we were heading home I recieved a call that my mother had passed, it was somewhat expected. As my husband and I drove down the highway I saw a flash of white and large flapping wings fly across the road nearly overhead diagonaly. I looked over at my husband and he said I saw it too. We talked for about 5 minutes joking about how it probably was a garbage bag or something. Then all of a sudden from the other side of the road came the large flapping wings they looked huge definitely not the size a dove should be but the way the wings were and the tail shape I knew. I felt a sense of peace I knew it was my moms way of letting me know her spirit had began its journey. I will never forget the surreal feeling.
ReplyDeleteMy mother in law came to live with us in May 2013 when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. She passed away on 7/23/13 (1 month ago today).
ReplyDeleteEVERY DAY since she passed, there is a white dove who comes at about 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. and lands on the neighbors roof, which overlooks the window of the bedroom where my MIL passed. She leaves at about 7:30 every morning but is always there when I get home from work. This is still going on TODAY (although I am a little nervous as 30 days could be significant?). This is especialy odd as I live on a salt water canal and there are several ospreys (bird of prey, similar to a hawk)that live nearby. My wife is totally convinced that the bird is her mother's spirit and talks to it every day. I on the other hand am very skeptical of symbolism like this, but I do have to admit I am baffled that it is happening. My only problem with this is I am not sure how my wife will handle it when the dove doesn't return one day. Just thought I would share that with you and we will see what happens with the white dove!.
While working as a security guard i spotted a white dove, that day was a monday. I asked my co workers if they noticed the white dove and no one had. I was seeing this dove every day for five days. Knowing dove is a sign of the Holy spirit it made me feel as tho God is with me. On the seventh day which was a Sunday, i found the white dove, it had died. Monday comes and my life as i knew it had changed. Not for the good, but bad. Husband started having legal troubles, i lost my job, and i am about to lose my home. Through all this i know the Lord is guiding me, giving me hope. I know that this to shall pass.
ReplyDeleteThe 7th day is SABBATH (SATURDAY) not Sunday the first day of the week! Genesis 2:2
DeleteI would like to share that shortly after my nephew was killed in Afghanistan by an IED, I was having a terrible time with the acceptance. I was sitting outside on the porch the looks out over the beautiful desert mountains. There are always lots of birds, but never, ever, have I seen pure white birds like the birds that visited me this day. There were about 11 or 12 of the most pure white doves that flew almost in pattern w/ each other and they just circled, played, zipped by me almost close enough to touch. They froliced for a good long time, I even was able to take a picture w/ the camera from my cell phone. They were beautiful, they were majestic, and I was immediately filled with joy, love, and the comfort knowing it was Sean, it was my nephew. I know that I know, that I know.... I was so touched by his ability to find a way to express his presence and I have never seen them again. It was just a moment that was set aside for me and I am so greatful for that moment. Some people look at me funny or may not even believe me but when I show them the picture, it makes the unbelieveable ...believeable! Do you think that I am right to feel that this was his way of giving me peace?
ReplyDeleteThat's a lovely story and if it gives you peace then it doesn't matter what others may think.
DeleteWhen I have lost loved ones my wife and I see white feathers - I have written about this on my blog and the feathers have given me comfort.
I think those who have moved on can give us signs such as white doves or feathers - and in other ways too.
Thank you for sharing.
A few weeks ago, I was at the cemetery where my wife is buried. I bought new flowers for her grave, put some elbo grease into cleaning off her marker and played "our wedding song", 'Memories of us' by Keith Urban afterwards on my tablet at her grave.. told her this is for you baby. A short few minutes later in the tree beside her grave, a little bird of some kind started singing, then it left. To me this was a sign from God and my wife 'Robin', that she was "pleased"..
DeleteThank you for your touching story. So glad Robin was pleased.
DeleteWhen I was a toddler, I was playing in my grandmother's room while she napped. I looked out the window and saw a big white dove on the ledge. I called to my mother and aunt to show them. I had never seen a white pigeon. They, being Irish and knowledgeable of omens, got very agitated. Later that day my grandmother passed away.
ReplyDeleteLast year my uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer. He only had one month to live. Almost everyday of that month my brother and I would see a white dove among pigeons on the next street from our house. Every morning they were always on the lawn of a different home. The dove was never on our street until one afternoon after picking up my brother from school, this dove flew from our driveway across the windshield of my car. A few nights later, I sensed someone waking me up to pray and an almost audible voice saying "It's time". I fell back asleep and I had 3 dreams within a dream. Then later my mom came in to tell me he passed away. At dawn an unusual strong gush of wind came in my bedroom. I had chills but I was at peace. I never saw the white dove after that. I knew my uncle was in heaven.
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I went to the cemetery to visit our parents but particularly my mother as my sister is living a life of fear with good reason. She was crying that she wishes she could feel her presence so I silently asked my mom to be with her. At that exact moment a beautiful white dove almost landed on my car but decided to land in front of it. My sister said that it seemed to be " checking out my car ". I started crying because I bought it on the nineteenth anniversary of her passing. I was in awe when I realized my camera was in my car. A couple whom I hadn't seen earlier was suddenly there and the woman asked if I wanted her to take a picture. When she did, the dove took flight and it was the most beautiful picture with its wings fully spread. I grabbed my camera and suddenly there was the dove sitting in the tree above us. I talked to it as I took eleven more pictures as it " posed for me ". When we left the dove followed us to the exit and was gone. The woman who took the first picture emailed it to me and told me she and her husband stayed in their car for twenty minutes after we left and never came back.
ReplyDeleteyesterday evening i went into the garage to do some laundry as i opened the garage door i saw a white dove wondering around the garage he must of slept there the whole night , so i brought him into the house and since i didnt have a cage i let him loose , he was beautiful and my kids were so happy to hold him so today i went around the neighborhood asking if the white dove belong to anybody and nobody seem to know who he belong to so i told my kids that i would take him to the pet shop because we cannot have another pet , so awhile ago i looked for the dove and he is gone , i checked under all the beds and in every corner of the house and he is no where to be found which its really . what is the meaning of this , can somebody tell me please... thank you
ReplyDeleteyesterday i went into my garage to do some laundry , as i opened the garage door i saw the most beautiful white dove wondering around i was surprised to see him there, and i realized that he must of slept there the whole night, i grabbed him and brought him into my house my kids were amazed to see such a beautiful bird and since i didnt have a cage i let him loose in the house gave him some seeds and water but he didnt seem interenting so today i went around my neighborhood asking if the dove belonged to anybody since nobody seemed to know anything i told my kids i going to the pet shop tomorrow because we cant have another pet , so anyways i came from work today and i asked my daughter how was the bird she said he was fine since is has been really cold here in cali i put my two dogs inside the house for the night so last nite i put the dove in m sons room and told him not to open the door not to long ago was looking for the bird to put him inside my sons room again and he is nowhere to be found which is really really weird . my house its really small and the dove is nowhere to be found , im confused what does this mean?
ReplyDeleteHi im michael
ReplyDeletethe day after my mums funeral i also looked out of my living room window to see a white dove stood on the wall,i ran upstairs to make i wasnt seeing things and looked out of my bedroom window and still there looking right at me was that very dove.it seemed as though we had aknowledged each others prescence and then flew away .i never saw that dove again
24 hours after my sister passed, a white dove appeared in my yard...it stayed for several days. I know that she sent this dove to let me know she was at peace
ReplyDeleteHi, I lost my 25 year old son to a sudden accident on his job 3 months ago. I was supposed to visit him and he passed away just 10 days prior to my visit. There was a lot of bickering at his burial as my ex husband cant let go of certain issues that were caused through our divorce many years ago. Suddenly, as ´our wedding song´ played at the cemetery, a white dove appeared out of nowhere and circled above us throughout the entire song. Then there was peace. This dove appeared to me and my daughter again two months later on Thanksgiving day and once more when we returned back home almost three months since my son left the earth. I REALLY believe this is his spirit letting us know he is ok and at peace and also that he wants us all to be in peace with one another. I wait to see that lovely white dove when I am feeling down and see it as a sign that my son is with me!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing your experience Melinda. Having lost a daughter I know what a difficult a time this is. It must have been so comforting to see that white dove.
DeleteIn 2012 my mom broke her hip and went into hospital for a hip replacement. Complications set in and she spent 3 nights in the icu and further month in hospital..At the same time one of her pet cats became seriously ill and we rushed him to the vet hospital. He was diagnosed with terminal liver failure. The vet wanted to euthanase him but I did not want too (maybe bad decision of myself) as my mother was due out of hospital in another couple of weeks. and I wanted her to see him and say goodbye. One day I was doing some gardening (this day was the lowest for me) as sadness and depression had really set in. My mom used to spend alot of time sitting around a table in an undercover are of our yard when I looked and I saw a white dove underneath moms table. The dove was not scared of me and I saw he had a broken foot. I picked the dove up holding him between my hands and the dove flexed his wings to show that he could fly away, but he didn't want to. I took the dove inside the house and placed him on my moms bed. I then took the dove back outside to the table where I first saw him. I gave the dove some bread and made my way to hospital to visit mom. When I arrived back home later that day I went to see the dove but he was gone. Before that day and after a white dove has never visited my home. I truly believe that day I was visited by the heavenly spirit and if someone here can further explain this I will be very happy to hear. (My mom arrived home and saw her cat before he passed away). Peter
ReplyDeleteOn Dec 28th 2013 I lost my father to lung cancer that had metasticized to other part of the body. My oldest brother is now laying in the hospital dying from COPD/emphysema. His lung collapsed a couple of weeks ago and things have been getting worse for him even with surgery. We saw him yesterday and when I got home I saw my husband's Valentine's gifts on the table. Chocolate and White roses. Today were rushed again to see my brother because the thought he was about to pass soon. While I was sitting there next to him, he told me he saw a little white bird on my shoulder. Then he asked "Do you hear that music? That beautiful music? It's from Le Miserable. Of course no one could hear it but him. He's been on a lot of pain medication. But I know about signs so I believed him. I was then talking to another family member from his wife's family and she told me about when her grandfather died. He told her he would come back as a sparrow to watch over her. THere were many times the sparrow appeared either physically or symbolically throughout the time since he passed. That's what made me connect to the realization that my mother and I had kept the two doves from my father's funeral bouquet that my mom got him. I will wait to see what happens and if any other white birds/doves appear in the coming days. This thread has really comforted me.
ReplyDeletei had somthing like that happen to me i wish i knew what it means as well read my post always a friend joe !!!
DeleteOh and one more coincidence. My brother told our other brother that he had a code for him to let him know if things were really bad. He'd text him or tell him either 6 or 7 for good or bad. I just noticed that the 6 and 7 appear as your website domain name. How about that?
ReplyDeleteMary, thank you so much for sharing your story - and about the 6 & 7. So much links together when we look at the signs and synchronicity that life shows us.
DeleteWow! I'm tripping here about how the last 2 posts were posted on the day my BIL passed and about the mention of the number 6 ( I had not noticed the domain name)!
ReplyDeleteWhile at my BIL's house waiting for the phone call to tell us that we can come down to say good-bye, I stepped outside to have a cigarette. For some reason, I looked up and to my amazement, a large white dove flew directly over his house . I knew this was his spirit starting its journey. The call to inform us of his passing came about 10 minutes later. Two days later, I went to put a damp towel out on my deck to dry and looked up again, yes, another white dove was flying over my house! I wonder if it was my BIL again or, another family member who had previously passed spirit?
As for the numbers..they indeed mean something...our number seems to be 5. You can look up their meanings here: http://christianity.about.com/od/biblefactsandlists/qt/Bible-Numerology.htm
One more thing to mention, your loved one will come to you in dreams so, be on the look out! My mother has come to me in dreams 3 times in the last 9 years that she has been gone.( I'll have to check the meaning of those numbers after I'm done posting this) :D
God Bless & Peace Be With You All
I really need an answer please?!? For some reason, everytime I see them or the numbers 666 pop up on me on reciepts or whatever, I have bad luck. What would cause this? I know this has nothing to do with white doves but I really need help...Please!
ReplyDeleteI know I answer you late, but if this thing persist, you MUST go to the church, you MUST talk to God
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteA flock of white doves flew over me today on the way to a job interview. I have been praying a lot for a job. I was on a San Antonio freeway, and it surprised me to see this,I got a bit teary eyed. God is SO REAL! I think I got the job. God Bless everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has been struggling for 7 years with a fear of choking. We have not been able to find anyone to help her. We finally have her at a place that is not so much helping her but giving her some therapeutic advise on how to deal with it. It is so crazy because we have been and called so many places that deal with eating disorders but not the anxiety and fear of choking. We are very religious and she has been praying really hard lately, today at the place she is going a white dove walked in the room she was in by herself walked around her and walked out. We are taking this as a sign that he is reminding her to keep her faith and give her some peace ..
ReplyDeleteThank you for your interesting story.
DeleteOn February 17 2013 I lost my best friend matt he was murdered at the age of 30. Since his tragic death all I do is cry the pain in my chest is unbearable. I never thought such a horrible thing would happen to him. Last Sunday was his birthday and he would of been 32 this year. Since sunday ive been having dreams of two white doves. In my dreams the birds arent chirping or anything they are just there. Today when I woke up the sun was shinning and I heard a bird chirping and making the cutest sound I have ever heard in my life and sure enough it was a white bird im pretty sure it was a dove. In my heart I know matt is working for GOD now and by him sending me doves in my dream and now by him sending me a dove to my patio lets me know that hes at peace. Even though the pain cuts so deep I find some comfort with the signs he does send. People say not all visitation is good but I think a beautiful sound of a bird chirping is good visitation from are loved ones who arent no longer here with us. I miss my best friend matt so much.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cynthia for your experience and so sorry to hear of your loss.
DeleteSo today I was sitting in my living room with doors open for the breeze.2 Doves flew into the side of my house I assume fighting? Well one ended up flying away. I was trying to get up to close the door before one got into the house but wasn't able to even get off the couch before the other dove came in and smacked right into my face and then sitting beside the couch until a friendd came over and got it out for me. In the process the dove flew up and landed on a picture frame that I was going to put a picture of me and my boyfriend in and pooped. My friend grabbed the picture frame, released and walked through the house and outback where then dove flew away. My boyfriend and I have recently encountered a hard situation and been arguing a lot. What's everyone's outlook on this?
ReplyDeleteJan.2013 my grandson pass away he was only 5 months old I had a dream of someone passing and in my dream I heard the song sung my little girls singing on the wings of snow white dove I did no what was going on till my son called me and he ask me what I am doing I told him I am driving and then I told him the baby has died he said how I know and I told him about my dream.
ReplyDeleteIn March of this year, my husband and I and our two grandchildren were out in the Arizona desert digging for crystals. My 5 year old grandaughter and I were on one side of the hill, my 12 yr old grandson was up a ways from us, and my husband near the top of the hill. All of a sudden I heard this loud "swoushing" noise, and my grandaughter and I looked up and there were hundreds of white Doves in the air above us about 20 feet over us. My grandson looked up and he saw them also. There were so many you could not see the sky. My husband caught the tail end of them in his sight. The strange thing is I felt a feeling of comfort and peace. When we got home and I downloaded my pictures from early in the morning there was a white object out lined in the sky that looked almost like a trumpet. Very unusual photo. A very unusual morning.
ReplyDeleteI went through a very serious personal crisis 2 years ago and spent a lot of time at my church in intense prayer. I found an alcove with a statue of Jesus where I would pray quietly with my eyes closed. One day I started to see very bright white spots with my eyes closed. One at a time they continuously changed shape and grew wings and I realized they were doves floating around. It was unmistakeable and it happened again multiple times. Sometimes they would even sparkle or glow. This simple image was God's answer to my prayers. I am very fond of doves now.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your experience - fascinating.
DeletePeekaboo (my cat) got his terminal illness diagnosis
ReplyDeleteon (July 24) Thursday and was released from vets on Friday July 25 .this morning Saturday was
the first time outside for Peekaboo and I (which he loves) since his diagnosis and we went out at dawn (1st light, call to prayer)
which we have been doing for the month of Ramada
in solidarity with the Muslims murdered around the World.
We went out at dawn (he had trouble going down the stairs) and walked to the front of the house where we
heard a bird calling.
We looked over our heads and three white doves were
flying above us heading North and one was calling to
us and the other two silent.
Evidently the Holy Spirit wants Peekaboo for something......
I've had my doubts about Allah but a few Summers back when the war on Libya began, four (4) giant tan colored swans flew over our heads at dawn heading North.
I interpreted it as the four horsemen of the apocalypse
of Revelations (though I'm non-believer in Torah) and it appears
with the wars that have occurred since that dawn that perhaps
the reckoning of 'Revelations' is near.
I was just setting on the porch got up to go in house...and a white dove flew right across the porch in front of me...
ReplyDeleteWhat significance does it hold for you?
DeleteI believe you should be the interpret it, as it happened to you and only you can know the significance. (see my post above how I interpreted my encounters w the doves & swans)
Deletedaniel please come back to us
DeleteLila Dreamt my Mother was walking and looked so good,her hair was cut short but the weird thing My mothers was sitting in a back seat of a car and saying to me “she looks good doesn’t she” but it was like another Mother was in front of her and mom was saying that about her. My mom was in hospital for over a month before she started being able to stand for a little while, she is now in rehab and starting to walk short distances. She so much wants to go home.
ReplyDeletemike, i believe that post i was from my husband. please tell him i DO see and that i DO understand and that i NEED him or i wont survive. please tell dan that. thanks
ReplyDeleteA few years ago my life changed forever. My husband shows up at my office with tears streaming down his face telling me my brother passed away. I remember him driving me home, we sat outside taking it all in & waiting on phone calls from other family members to make driving/flying arrangements to his town (10 hours away) I was beyond devastated ..when a beautiful butterfly fly directly i between us..hovered for probably a whole minute, circled around my head..then circled around his head and fly away. We were actually cring and laughing as this was clearly miraculous. On our very long drive I brought my books on Angels and connecting with loved ones who have passed away. As I'm engrossed in my book a few hours into the trip, I was startled by the loudest sound I've ever heard. Something slammed into the windshield going 70 miles an hour. I asked my husband "what was that" and he said..(as we are pulling off the highway to a gas station) a white dove came out of nowhere and hit our windshield! The craziest part is it left no blood ..no feathers..just this white powder that made the most beautiful image of a perfect angel wing. It was as fine as flour, dusted lightly on our windshield. I actually took my finger and touched it in amazement. Has anyone ever hit a dove? I'd like to think the dove didn't really die but 70 m/h .. How could it not.
ReplyDeleteI Had a little cousin that drowned and she was only 3. She had been missing for 7 hrs before they found her at the bottom of the pool. When they arosed her from the water at 3am a dove came from nowhere and flew in a direction where her balloons flew later that day at her candlelight as soon as the police seen the dove they bowed and started crying what was the meaning? Gives me chills
ReplyDeleteIn 2007 i was in a serious car accident, mind you for months I've had this overwhelming feeling that i was gonna die in a car accident. This feeling had henderd me from going out other the work or food shopping with fear i might add. I had decided to talk to my mother about this feeling and told her that i feel maybe i should prepare mysel (living will). Mom with tears in her eyes says to me...do not prepare for death just try to live. About two weeks later on my way to work i was t-boned and don't remember the accident at all. My neighbor had a conversation with someone about a car accident she was in in which she had t-boned someone (me)...at this accident she saw a white dove fly off my trunk on contact. I just spent one day in the hospital, but i did have a scull fracture and bleeding in my brain. Im doing great, almost like nothing happened, but im still here...thank God.
ReplyDeleteThank you for telling us about your experience.
DeleteGood day everyone, something strange happened to me this morning, I was having my morning coffee on my back deck and a white pigeon appeared on my fence. I costed it closer by making chirping sounds, and it lost it's fear of me. It hung around for a good hour and it pecked at my toes and hands and it let me touch it breast and claws, it would have perched on my head if I let, is there some ominous significance to this encounter? All I have read here is that something foreboding will occur, anyone here experience hopefully of a wonderful phenomena will happen. Thanks everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom passed on Tuesday night. Shortly after she passed my son, my niece , my nephew and myself were at her bed side. We all heard a dove. Everyone of us. It was after 11 at night. What does this mean ?
ReplyDeleteApril 2014 during the red moon at 3:00am
ReplyDeleteUntil now I'm the only one, who saw 5 white doves flying in the night sky during the red moon. I searched plenty of times to see if anyone saw 5 doves. If anyone remembers the red moon thay occurred on April 2014 and saw 5 white doves flying in the night sky
Plz send me a message so we can talk.
I saw six the day before yesterday at 3:00am
DeleteSome time after my father passed away my mother decided to move to a smaller apartment. We, her children, helped her and when everything was settled and she felt comfortable in her new home my siblings and I left. Afterwords she told me that after we left a white pigeon landed on the balcony handle bar. It sat there and after a while my mother opened the balcony door and went out. Then the pigeon jumped down to the floor and walked in to the apartment. My mother said it walked trough every room before it went out and again entered the handle of the balcony. It looked at my mother and then i flyed away and did not show up again. I like to think it was my father who wanted to see to everything was alright with my mothers new home. /Uffe from Sweden
ReplyDeleteVery nice. The day after St Joachim appeared to me confirming the miracle of saving my cats life, 3 white doves flew over us at dawn with one calling to us. It was St Joachim Holy Day July 26.
DeleteI am not Christian, but I had to find out about the white doves after watching a video "ISIS vs Christ." The 20 Christians who were beheaded by ISIS earlier this year, one of the widows said 20 white doves came to visit them sometime after the murders. They flew to each of the family's homes before flying to the church and disappearing. It was such a beautiful description after such a horrible tragedy.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I had not heard of this previously.
DeleteHi there! My Pop recently passed away on the 25th October 2015 due to cancer, followed by my Nan passing on the 26th of December 2015 after she broke her hip. It was only 8-9 weeks with both of them leaving us. This morning I opened my blinds to find the imprint of a dove on my window. The perfect imprint, you could see the feet, tail, wings spread, it's amazing. It was my Nans birthday yesterday, the family all went out for lunch. I think it's a sign! I have never seen anything like it before! :)
ReplyDeletemy name is J.c.g.jr. i had something happen to me in 2012 i think wwell i dont know where 2 start !! i woke up one early that day the sun was just cominig out ? and a dove woke me up by using its peak and hitting my bedroom window . well as i started to head towords the dove to see what happen to it ! maybe he was someones pet well the stranges thing happen i started to hear like millons of person singin a Wonderfull song that i never heard but it made me feel wonderfull , then i felt like some one jank my spul out of my bodie and found my self in a place with a wonderful light but as i went up the stairs i notice the rocks had a strange marking on them ? and found my self seeing a simple temple that was made of dirt but yet is was nice as an arch door open i saw a man standing there from a distance and as he called out to me i went to him and notice that he look like a man . and when i got colser he was made of some type of engergy but yet he was a man when he smile at me and hug me i was no longer a man but a small boy with sheep colthing and a little hat also of wool and as i enter thye temple i notice other kids to !! and they where all sitting with there legs cross on a rug and as i was told to take my place in the center of all the kids !!well not to make this long but before he sent me back he ask me to put my hands togethere and then colsed them and when he told me too open them i saw a white sparrow and then when i was back to my room i saw the white dove and also a white sparrow next to him and as the white dove left the sparrow stayed !!! and this was not a dream !!! what dose this mean ?? thank you !!!! send me an email if anyone knows this !!! too trueinterneshajoe13@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteSo I was trying to go to sleep and out of nowhere a white dove flies through my room and then dissapears.what does it mean?
ReplyDeleteI woke up in the early am to a big white dove sitting on the computer desk shelf by the window, as I sat up in the bed the dove disappeared through the window blinds. I believe it was the sign of the Holy Spirit letting me know my mom was in heaven.
DeleteShe had fallen down steps a year earlier and passed away 12 days later.
This is all for real .when I was a child our across the street neighbor raised white doves.when someone would pass he would offer the family opportunity to have him release a dove.Doing this for my dad at his passing the dove flew to dad's house and sat on his pouch for 3 days. This was over 20 years ago.Now just last week my daughter had a experience where her .Baby 26 months old was in her crib at 2 in the morning and my daughter heard herlaughing out loud like the room was full of clowns.Jenn my daughter looked in her moniter to see what wE up.the baby's room is upstairs from Jens room. On the minister jensaw her baby standing in her crib watching and seeming to move her head around as if to be following what was there.And what Jen saw was a white dove flying around the baby's room seeming to entertaining the baby.Amazing that was for sure but the fact that her baby is blind and my mother lived with blindness for the last 30 years of her life.Jen said she was awstruck and absolutist knew that it was granny.I have no doubt she is always around me
DeleteHi, last night I went for a walk near an old chapel, it was quite dark so wasnt sure if I saw a dove or a pigeon but he was just sat on the arm of a bench all alone. He seemed quite peaceful, not in pain and when I went closer to him, he didnt show any signs of flying away. I was only about 6ft away and we looked at each other for a few minutes and I made a small noise and he was moving his head with interest. I think we shared a connection – it felt like it. After a few minutes I walked away and left the bird sat still on the bench. The area by the chapel is very peaceful and was used to be run by monks in around the 13th C. In the last year I have got significantly more spiritual and wondering would anyone have any idea what the significance of this was or could be? It certainly felt positive and it was only by chance that I felt the need to go for a spontaneous walk (so wondering if that was meant to happen?)
ReplyDeleteMany thanks in advance to you all
A few months ago we lost are son tragically. A few weeks after the funeral we had a dove release, we released a dozen white doves while we prayed and held hands. The next day while getting ready for church are cat was acting up, she was looking up at the window when we went to see what she was looking at there was a pure white dove in the window,this window is right above my son's ashes. The dove is still here. He comes home every night and sleeps in that same window. Hope he sticks around through winter.I have great pics and videos of my new friend. I have allmost got him to come to me.it's great.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago, a white dove tried to get in through the balcony door..I was surprised and scared it off, but then it just stood there for a long time, around fifteen min. maybe, looking at me, at times...it just stood there! I would like to thing it a message from my boyfriend, John, who died 14 years ago...could it really have been him?! I hope so!
ReplyDeleteMy mom passed on Sunday. 5 days later, my daughter walked out to go to work and saw a white dove sitting on her fence. She was able to take a great photo. We feel it is a message that mom is at peace.
ReplyDeleteI believe in all of these things. It involves my horse. My beloved big man. He was a cremello stallion cob type and he was rescued. I had another horse and she was rescued also. We had a very bad time at one stables so we moved to another. Long story short, my beautiful, big boy just collapsed. He had twisted gut, colic and he was infected with strangles. He was sent to vetinary hospital but he died. It sounds daft but I was totally beside myself with grief. I loved him and her so much. We had a unique bond. The night after he died a white dove flew into his stable and sat on the ledge. The dove flew and checked on my other horse, his mate and sat on her stable and then returned to the ledge. Now three days later another horse on the yard died from the same condition and the dove flew away. I have found comfort reading these comments as I knew it meant something, it was so very strange. I just know that somewhere my horse (who suffered extreme anxiety) was letting me know he was at peace.
ReplyDeleteI doing supper seen 1 dove and then I went out side a couple hours later seen another 1 I was by me on the deck xx
ReplyDeleteSeptember 19, 2017 at 10:44 AM a white dove came to visit for an hour or two. I haven't seen a white dove in 20 years. He came again the next day and stayed several hours. While in the yard, two young mated deer walked by and laid down near the dove. He (dove) showed again the following day, Sept 21, 2017 at 11:22 AM, stayed an hour. I haven't seen since.
ReplyDeleteWell I been seeing a sick friend that I care so much for. She always on my mind and white doves always appear everywhere I go. Today around 1043am a white dove was walking towards me and flew up in front of me. I don't really know why doves always appear when she's on my mind.
ReplyDeleteIdk how to explain why when my grandma passed away about a month and half ago and we let some doves go at her funeral but for some reason one flew up on top of the canopy tent that was shading my grandma's burial site and just stood there looking at us we tried pushing the bird from underneath the canopy so it could fly but after realizing and thinking about it for a minute I thought that it was my grandma letting me and everyone know that she was there in spirit I have a picture of it which makes me wonder every time I look at it. I wish someone had an answer to what and why that happened like that. Any ways I love you grandma and miss u dearly :.(
ReplyDeleteMy brother had a stroke and half of his brain was dead and had 2 blood clots one in his brain and one in his neck. The Dr's, were unable to do surgery due to being vry dangerous and risky. But my brother still didnt have chance at life, he would still pass:(, well then the day came my mom called me at work an said yr brother is on his last breaths u should get over here. So I left work it's about 30 min drive and when I got to the freeway ext. I saw a beautiful white dove cross my way an the looked like it flew up to the sky. I had a red light and I kept looking for the dove an didnt c it any more. I thought that was weired, then I realized my bother had passed!I had looked at the time and it was 2:12 and my brother passed at 2:08.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to share my family's story about a dove our mom pasted away and just days after her passing it was a white dove that came around and sit on top of my sister house and just sit it will fly down in the tree in her front yard and then fly back on top of the house it was there that whole day bit the next day it was gone I just wanted to share that thanks T,Carr
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks before my mother passed a pure white dove I had never seen in my life was on the roof of my house, my brother first notice and I felt worrie,
ReplyDeleteI asked my brother to outs her because I felt was a bad sign. He took a picture of the animal and a few days later my mom passed. Mom was fine and I truly believe it was the holy spirit.
I miss my mother so much I wish she still be with me.
I went to my mom an dads house on Monday Morning. As I pulled up in the driveway I observed a pure white dove walking arounf in the yard .I rush to get my camera on my phone thinking he would fly away when i got out of the car.but he did not he was not scared of me i was able to get a short video would this be a sign for me since it was seen at my parents house it was beauiful
ReplyDeleteMy mum passed away last February. She took her own life and she didnt really have any family so it was my responsibility putting her to rest. Just before her funeral I sat outside my house and I just felt like I had no strength left. Being 28 and trying to organise a funeral with no money wasn’t an easy experience for me and I found it incredibly hard with the grief of never seeing my best friend again on top. I sat outside my house before the funeral and I whispered under my breath “how am I going to get through this without you?”. Then I looked up at the powerlines outside my house and a white dove was sitting there. We don’t have wild white doves around here.. It sat and watched me for the entire time I was outside. Not even knowing the symbolism behind these birds at the time, I felt like that was her. I had this feeling she was at peace and she was there with me, giving me strength. I felt like she was there with me one last time and it felt like that was her saying a lovingly goodbye.