Friday, July 16

Married Couple In The Same Photo As Children

Here's a photo coincidence on the lines of the post I published called Photo Taken Of Father Showed His Missing Daughter. I came across this new one by chance on a video from WXII 12 TV . The odds against this coincidence happening must be millions to 1.

Young newly weds Alex and Donna Voutsinas were looking through some of Donna's old photos from when she was a child and came across one of her at Disney World. Nothing too unusual about this, you may say.

Donna is at the front of the photo, see above, with one of the Disney characters and then Alex spotted something - his dad!

Yes, it's his dad in the background of the photo pushing a stroller (pushchair) and, of course, in the stroller is Alex.

A remarkable coincidence because the families didn't know each other back then and, to make it even more remarkable, at the time of the photo Alex lived in Canada and Donna in Florida.

It looks like their lives touched upon each other when they were young ready for the big romance in later years. Fate? Kismet? Who knows.

Another amazing new similar story (2014):
Married Couple Were Unknowingly Photographed Together As Children

And for more coincidence stories see:
Top 10 Coincidence And Synchronicity Stories

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  1. We posted this one, too. It's remarkable - and really eerie.

  2. Pretty incredible.

  3. Yes, a strange one to say the least.

  4. wow! that's such a huge coincidence!

  5. It's a Small World Afterall!

  6. Anonymous04:26

    I am sure as big the world is that this sort of thing happens all the time. Think about it. How many other ppl were at Disney Land that day? or the whole week she was there? Or the other ppl she encountered through out her life? How many other ppl does she have pictures of? It is a long shot that he saw the photo that was taken in those critical few minutes so many years later. But other than that? It is equally a long shot she didn't marry Scotty Minoe from 5th grade. :]

  7. Anonymous19:40

    Amazing! Almost Unbelievable! What are the chances? - One in a Billion!!

  8. Anonymous00:35


  9. Anonymous above - no, it wasn't phoyoshopped!

  10. Anonymous06:03

    shopped? uhm... what the heck would he be 'shopping' exactly to make this picture believable? ....

    anyway, this is just a regular pic with some paint over it, but the story that was made up to go along with the picture was very creative. congrats, you almost got me :)

  11. dustin06:54

    This is definitely something that occurs often; haven't you ever happen to ran into someone say at six flags, or another state? happens frequently to me.

  12. Anonymous09:45

    67, Anonymous above was trolling, nd you bit.

  13. Anonymous21:50

    It would be stranger if coincidences like these never happened! ('shopped' post made me laugh though)

  14. Anonymous21:57

    I don't know why it couldn't be a true picture for all you nay sayers!

    I know I was at many of the same events as my now husband, not knowing him or seeing him. I think it's just amazing that there is actually a picture of this and then years later they were married. Too cute!

  15. Anonymous14:15

    SHOPPED! I refuse to believe there was a yellow arrow there that so bluntly pointed out his father in the background!

  16. Anonymous18:31

    Coincidence do happen.

    My great grandfather (from my dad side) was an army general, and my other great grandfather served under his command for many years. The two families never met or this two men saw each other again. Then many many years later my mother married my father. They did not know about this until years later when reading some old letters my father kept from the general, adressed to my other great grand father where he was giving him orders and instructions on battle.

    I now keep this letters, and find it funny that I am now somehow the result of this first encounter.


  17. I don't beleive in fate but I love stuff like this. It really is a small world (and that's a ride at disney world isn't it? spooky)

  18. Anonymous21:49

    do you think they made this up about any random can you prove it one way or the other

  19. Anonymous05:15

    I didn't think this was that uncommon... I mean, it is a coincidence but I was in the same class as my fiancee for all of a week in grade 2 and years later we met again and didn't find out we were in the same class until we looked at old class pictures. It's certainly unusual, but it does happen.

  20. I found your blog through "stumble upon" & couldn't stop reading it. Very interesting info!

  21. Anonymous19:59

    This happened to me and my friend! We became friends in high school and one day we were looking at a photo album from when she was a kid, and in a picture taken at community event, i'm sitting two people away from her!

  22. Anonymous00:46

    Definitely happened to a friend and I! She became my best friend in 4th grade and we've remained friends until this day. A few years ago, I was going through old photos my parents had... and what do I find? A photo of me and my father sitting on a parade float next to my friend and her mom. We were 3 years old!
    Crazy, crazy coincidence.

  23. Anonymous13:11

    When I was 37 I ran into a girl at the deli counter who was my best friend in 4th grade. It was in a completely different town. For some reason I recognized her immediately after 29 years. It's like we are "tied" to certain people.

  24. My great grandfather (from my dad side) was an army general, and my other great grandfather served under his command for many years. The two families never met or this two men saw each other again. Then many many years later my mother married my father. They did not know about this until years later when reading some old letters my father kept from the general, adressed to my other great grand father where he was giving him orders and instructions on battle.

    I now keep this letters, and find it funny that I am now somehow the result of this first encounter.


  25. Anonymous09:49

    This has something to do with the concept of the 'soul' and 'reincarnation'. Its obvious that Western thought of the 'afterlife' 'heaven' etc. is 98% wrong. We do not have one 'soul',and we share connections to our other manifestations in time and space. It has a lot to do with 'reality' and consciousness. One can start to get some form of understanding of this using ideas such as shared soul groups and reincarnation/bi-location and occult ideas of reality manipulation/understanding.

  26. lol, its bit funny but interesting post

  27. This is amazing! I always wonder if things like this could happen!

  28. Anonymous18:00

    Well, considering how many people all over the world are married the weird thing would be if something like this DIDN'T happen.

  29. Anonymous06:49

    Anonymous from August 20 is correct in that the universe is designed such that karmic soul connections, developed over the course of lifetimes, are drawn together at specific times and locations to play out their roles. Such synchrony is indeed "co-incident", though intentionally so. It appears random only to those who are unaware of the causalities and effects of cosmic law.

  30. Wow, that really is amazing! Best wishes to the couple. Apparently they were meant to be!

  31. Anonymous05:23

    hey me and my husband were in the same place at the same time every weekend for about 3 months until i was single. When i became single we met at a local club and have been together ever since and its been 5.5 years so some times its not meant to be until its meant to be. oh and me and my hubs have been married for 3 years and it still feels like yesterday we just fell in love

  32. Good post: snappy and informative. Of course the photographs are great too!

  33. DaveG14:15

    True Story: I was at the Octoberfest in Munich, when I overheard someone talking about my sister. What are the odds! Then again, of all the coincidences that could happen, what are the odds you won't get a good juicy one once in your life?

  34. Anonymous18:57

    I am not saying this is fake I am simply raising a point that is how do we know what Alex or his dad looks like please take this into consideration before believing at first glance.

  35. Let's think about the phrase "the odds must be millions to one." How many people on earth? 6 billion? How many millions is that -- 6,000. So, something that has a million to one chance of happening to an individual in fact happens 6,000 times per day. You might want to guestimate your odds!

  36. This really isn't that special.

    Take Jesus into your heart.

    You'll see what I mean.

    1. Anonymous04:38

      makes me sick that you would have to go and throw jesus into this....its totally irrelevant.

  37. Really makes you think about how the world works. thanks for sharing- remarkable!

  38. Alishia02:36

    This same thing has happened to my husband and I. one day we were at my parents home and he was looking through one of my old scrapbooks of camp and there he was in a picture i had taken 6 years before i even knew who he was!!!

  39. faetastic01:28

    I met my boyfriend, and months after we started dating, I met his sister, who had happened to be one of my best friends in highschool. He's a few years younger than me, so it was kind of funny to think back on the days when his sister and I would pick on him and tell him to leave us alone because we were busy getting ready and doing teenage things. Hehe.

  40. that's really a crazy find, what would the odds possibly be a something like that? in the billions?

  41. That is just spooky!

  42. Anonymous22:02

    Even if the odds are a million to one, with more than 250 million people in North America and Disney land the most likely place to go on holiday it's very likely to happen at least a few times a year.

  43. Anonymous04:33

    My take on this is that it is photoshopped. Notice the item that's supposed to be in the background is partially covering the fathers right arm. Also notice that the father is the only one wearing black on a hot Orlando day - very out of place with the atire of everyone else in the photo.

    I'm not saying things like this don't happen, I'm saying that I think this one is a fraud.

  44. When I was about 7, I was playing in my front yard in Garland, TX when one of the many airplanes going to the DFW airport flew overhead. A voice in my head said "Look up. Your future husband is in that plane." Thirty-five years later, I was discussing my husband's family's move to California with him and how they had a stop-over in Dallas. He had been on a plane that landed in Dallas exactly at the time that plane went over and I had that childhood psychic moment.

  45. Anonymous04:36

    is there any proof though, other than them saying it that it is both of them in the picture and not someone else...or even proof that the families didnt know each other, or are we all just stuck taking them at there word. I could just as easy take a picture of myself at disney when i was a child and could say JUST as easily wow what a coincidence...that is my wife in the background...then i could have my fifteen minutes of shame too.

  46. Maybe the 'husband-to-be' had been secretly stalking her.

  47. Anonymous19:08

    A similar thing happened to me. When my husband was in kindergarten he went to the same elementary school that I went to when I was in sixth grade. We lived in the same model house a few blocks from each other. He moved out when he was in 1st grade and I moved out when I was 18 years old. We worked at the same small company when we were 24 years old. We got married and have been married 32 years! Very happy years.

  48. wow... amazing...

  49. I think it's someone who looks a lot like her Dad- one of those coincidental things. I once saw a guy who played at some college in Kansas who looked very much like me--he could have been me. Things like always have the most logical explanation and they're not at all likely to be really paranormal.

  50. This is really something... almost unbelievable...

  51. Anonymous07:03

    Odd!y enough there's one in every crowd. Someone mentioned Jesus in that maybe God has a plan for your life and through faith in that you discover many coincidences. So someone decides the mere mention of Jesus deserves to be chided abvd or shaned. Confidently they never say anything about any other beliefs like the reincarnation comment, that's faith, the comment in karma a Hindu belief also slips through the faith police. Coincidence is that I've never seen those folks ever criticize any other belief system just Christians or references to Jesus and I'm like why what did Jesus do wrong? People just seem to reject the idea that people believe in a guy who preached love. The mere mention of His name seems to draw an attack.

  52. Anonymous10:10

    FINALLY! !!! Someone defends Christianity. So very true...we are condemned if we disagree with any other religion; but to put down the Christian faith is acceptable. Good for u!
