As we talked further, he told me that he wasn’t from Omaha, but was raised in western Nebraska. You got it, he was from my home town. After I learned his last name, it sounded familiar, but we were 7 years apart in age. We did however have some mutual friends in Alliance.
Then we got back on the subject of Omaha. He told me that he used to live in central Omaha on a street called Poppleton. I told him that I had just bought a home in North Omaha off of 45th Street. He said, "Really, my Aunt used to live on that street." Scott then asked for the address, when I told him he said that he was certain that this was the home that his Aunt lived in. He described my house to me, just like someone would have if they were standing next to me. I have confirmed that this was his Aunt’s home from neighbors that have lived on this street for over 20 years.
Scott and I continued our friendship, sometimes communicating through e-mail, but mostly over the phone for the past 8 months. We have become close and are very much in love. Scott and I believe that God brought us together through these series of coincidences.

Great story. Six degrees of separation. Maybe fewer degrees than that!