I recently published a post Stepping Into A Different Time Zone Or Time Slip and, because it was quite popular, I thought I would re-publish a similar themed story from five years ago. This was from a Mr. Thomas and is about a time shift and seeing into the past and perhaps a former life.
I had cause some years back to go and collect a load of straw from some farm buildings in Gloucestershire. A colleague, Anne, came with me for the ride, which I undertook in a small lorry, not much bigger than a pick-up truck.
I collected the straw and took this to the lorry. I noticed that Anne looked a little strained when I got ready to drive back, but I didn't mention the fact to her.
After we had delivered the straw she told me what had happened at the farm.
She said that as soon as I had left the cab, to load the straw, the whole place changed. She was now in a courtyard with other buildings at the side of the yard.
She saw herself as standing in the centre of the courtyard but as a young woman of about fifteen or sixteen years old (whereas in fact she was in her early twenties).
The young woman she saw in the courtyard in no way resembled her and was dressed as a servant girl from past centuries. Despite this she instantly knew this woman was actually herself and she suddenly found herself standing in the courtyard, and she 'became' the servant girl.
A horse came galloping into the courtyard, the rider dressed in old style clothes and wearing a three cornered hat. The horse reared up into the air close by her, frightening her, then another horse and rider galloped in and did the same thing.
She was aware that the second horse and rider had chased the first one into the courtyard. She was terrified and knew that they were going to fight.
She could not get from in between the two prancing horses, as the two men fought with swords. She did not experience being killed, but knew she was trampled to death under the hoofs of the horses.
Anne said the whole incident appeared to take about ten minutes but, in reality, she knew it had only been a few seconds. She swore she had not been to sleep.
Later I discovered that the place concerned was, centuries ago, a manor house farm and the foundations of the original buildings were where my lorry was parked.
I believe that the reason why she had this vision was because her subconscious was excited because she was on the exact spot where she was killed so many lifetimes ago. This glimpse of a previous reincarnation may have been to give her a shock so she would start thinking about what her present life was really for.
Don't know if readers will agree with my explanation.
~ Mr Thomas
I collected the straw and took this to the lorry. I noticed that Anne looked a little strained when I got ready to drive back, but I didn't mention the fact to her.
After we had delivered the straw she told me what had happened at the farm.
She said that as soon as I had left the cab, to load the straw, the whole place changed. She was now in a courtyard with other buildings at the side of the yard.
She saw herself as standing in the centre of the courtyard but as a young woman of about fifteen or sixteen years old (whereas in fact she was in her early twenties).
The young woman she saw in the courtyard in no way resembled her and was dressed as a servant girl from past centuries. Despite this she instantly knew this woman was actually herself and she suddenly found herself standing in the courtyard, and she 'became' the servant girl.
A horse came galloping into the courtyard, the rider dressed in old style clothes and wearing a three cornered hat. The horse reared up into the air close by her, frightening her, then another horse and rider galloped in and did the same thing.
She was aware that the second horse and rider had chased the first one into the courtyard. She was terrified and knew that they were going to fight.
She could not get from in between the two prancing horses, as the two men fought with swords. She did not experience being killed, but knew she was trampled to death under the hoofs of the horses.
Anne said the whole incident appeared to take about ten minutes but, in reality, she knew it had only been a few seconds. She swore she had not been to sleep.
Later I discovered that the place concerned was, centuries ago, a manor house farm and the foundations of the original buildings were where my lorry was parked.
I believe that the reason why she had this vision was because her subconscious was excited because she was on the exact spot where she was killed so many lifetimes ago. This glimpse of a previous reincarnation may have been to give her a shock so she would start thinking about what her present life was really for.
Don't know if readers will agree with my explanation.
~ Mr Thomas
Fascinating story! And her explanation makes sense. I think this kind of time slip may happen more often than we realize.