Tuesday, November 29

What We Continuously Say Is What We Get

moving lipsI've written previously about how I believe whatever circumstances we are now in is the result of something we have done ourselves. It's not the state's fault, our parents, God or wherever else we may wish to switch the blame.  It's more about how we have acted, what we have done, said, thought and so on. What we give out we get back - we can't receive unless we have given - be that in a good or a bad way.

A dramatic example of our use of words, and what this can bring about, came to me out of the blue from a 1952 newspaper I was looking at yesterday. Here's what I read:


London, March 7: A man who often said 'I'd give my right arm' to see his ailing daughter cured, lost the arm in a car crash - and she was mysteriously cured.

The odd case, with the names withheld was described by Dr JM Smellie of Liverpool in today's issue of the British Medical Journal.

Dr Smellie said the girl was crippled with arthritis and disfigured by a skin disease associated with it.  Her devoted father tried all kinds of treatment, but she did not respond.

One day he set off on a motor trip with the girl and his wife.  The car was wrecked and the father's arm torn off.

Before his wound had healed, the daughter's skin trouble and arthriris had vanished.

Dr Smellie offered two possible explanations - the cure might have been due to psychological factors or to cortisone liberated from the girl's adrenal glands by the shock of the accident.

In time of shock the adrenal glands situated near the kidneys pour out cortisone. This substance has come to the fore in recent years in the treatment of arthritis."

Though the doctor offers an explanation for the girl's cure the message given out by her father, of how he would give his right arm to cure his daughter, came about.

We have to be a bit careful about what we say repeatedly because, as I see it, the unconscious mind starts to believe that - whatever the statement is - to be what we desire in reality.

On a lighter note a woman who continuously said that things bugged her found her bedroom drawer full of bugs!

In the The Game of Life and How to Play It Florence Scovel-Shinn tells of a woman she knew 'who had a great deal of money, joked continually about 'getting ready for the poorhouse.'  In a few years she was almost destitute, having impressed the subconscious mind with a picture of lack and limitation."

Maybe it therefore pays to be a little careful about what we say, think and do.  It's not bad news though as, with the right words, images and deeds, we should be able to also create the life style we choose.

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  1. I expect you'll get some controversy over your first paragraph. It seems a way of life at the moment to blame others for everything. I presume that you are taking into consideration karma. Interesting. I'll never use the expression about giving 'an arm and a leg' again!

  2. not sure if everything is our own fault as at times it feels like someone else is pulling the strings

  3. Terrific story, Mike. I agree 100 perrcent and often forget it, then catch myself.

    I got a kick out of the doc's name - Dr. Smellie!

  4. Good post Mike.
    It sure is something to think about,although I don't fully agree with watching everything we say to the point of paranoia.I know a lot of people that have made similar statements but have not even gone close to losing an arm.
    I did work with a one armed guy once who confided in me that he lost it in a drink driving accident when he crashed into a guard rail that went through his car and severed his arm off.I don't know if he ever made such statements,because I didn't know him before he did it.He only has a right arm now
    (I think...I can't really remember which one was missing now,so I won't bet an arm on it.-)
    ,so maybe it would be wise for him not to utter that phrase.-)

    And mentioning "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel-Shinn brings back memories.It was one of the first books I read as a teenager starting off on my spiritual quest.
    A couple of years ago I bought the audio recording on CD.
    Whilst I don't agree with everything she wrote,it sure is a book worth pondering over...much like this post.
    Perhaps it has to do more about the intent behind the words,more than the words themselves.
    I think life circumstances are more about collective wills than individual wills.

    Take my friends car crash for instance.He was ultimately to blame for the loss of his arm because he drove drunk,but was he solely to blame for the loss of his arm ?
    He could quite have easily lost his head,or been missed by the guard rail altogether.So I think while he did play a part in the drama,fate,luck,karma...or maybe even the need by the higher soul of his to experience life with one arm probably played the bigger part.
    I wouldn't be too worried about using a phrase flippantly like the guy in the newspaper article...but I wouldn't bet my right arm that nothing would happen either.-)

  5. s. simon20:59

    connecting pearl harbhor to the towers and towers to the mayan calendar,, astrologiclally and numerlogically like no other,, throwing in the Kennedy date also,, why do he do this,, maybe it's your last man as in the editor white or the lawyer mason
