In yesterdays post I wrote about The Currents Of Thought Within The Universal Mind and a few days before about What We Continuously Say Is What We Get. Today I'm going to quote from Richard Ingalese's book The History And Power Of Mind
"Divine Mind is precisely analogous to a sensitive plate, and each human thought makes a picture on that plate. By thought you make the exposure, and the thing pictured will in time become your own, for you are attached to your creations and time develops the picture for you.
If you hold the image you have made long enough you will get a perfect picture; if you think idly then you have made what photographers would call an under exposure and the picture is not full, clear, and perfect, and many of the details are left out; but by holding the picture firmly and strongly, you make it a permanency and then it is yours, for thoughts become things."
Mental pictures are first mental things, but after a time they become physical things or draw physical things to them, for the great Consciousness gives back to us precisely what we sent into it. It gives to us whatever we ask of it, and our ignorance in making demands will be no protection to us.
The only way evolution can go on is by Divine Mind granting every request that we persistently make; it is in this way we gain wisdom through experience."
Richard Ingalese wrote this in about 1901 - so it is no longer copyright - and being an occultist he understood the workings of the mind. Some of what he writes is maybe in an old fashioned style but it is similar to the teachings of Jesus - though his followers probably won't accept this.
When Jesus said things such as "Judge not that ye be not judged; for with what judgement you judge ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again" and "Ask, and it shall be given unto you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" he was talking about the same law as Ingalese.
Some would say we ignore the law at our peril but, as with most things, it can be used to our advantage as well as to our detriment.

My problem with visualization is whether to make it general or specific. It sounds like this author advocates holding an image with great detail. I'm going to try it with just an image, the end result of whatever I want, rather than the steps along the way.
ReplyDeletemust try and read this book as it sound interesting
ReplyDeleteCoincidence, when is translated into sLOVEnian language, it means NAKLJUČJE and when we separate that word and translate it back into English, it is this: NA-KLJUČ-JE = IT IS ON THE KEY!