Sunday, February 26

Funny You Should Ask God About This Problem

God: Funny you should come to me with this problem

One day a middle-aged Jewish man named Leo hears from his son attending university, "I've decided to become a Christian, Dad," the boy tells him.

Leo panics. "What do I do?" he asks himself. The only thing he can think of is to call his rabbi.

"Funny you should come to me with this problem, Leo," says the rabbi. "Not two years ago my son comes to me with the same speech. I had no idea what to do. I panicked, and the only thing I could think to do was to go to God."

"What message do you think you got from God?" asks Leo.

The rabbi laughed, "God said to me, 'Funny you should come to me with this problem ...'"

More humour posts:
Humorous Letters
An Atheist With Nowhere To Go
Make Me One With Everything

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  1. Funny! Haven't forgotten your blog by the way, life has been hectic (in a good way though)
