Sunday, March 17

Suicide Coincidence Cartoon

Suicide Coincidence Cartoon

Not really a funny topic but the fish - and the two opposites - made me smile ...


  1. Despite the topic, it made me smile, too!

  2. It's a funny cartoon,but take it from me,it is the darkest situation you will ever find yourself in if you ever get to this low point in life.
    It's a last desperate move in a game that appears lost or hopeless.I hope nobody who reads this post ever finds themselves in this dark night of the soul.
    It's a funny cartoon for sure,but that situation is one of the most soul crushing situations you will ever face in life.You would just have to be painted into that dark corner of life to understand,and I hope none of the readers here ever are,but don't think that it could never happen to you.
    Life has a cruel way of proving such people wrong.

  3. while 3D toon liveliness inside the field of instruction has been basically wont to deliver amusement was confirm by an organization named Pixar WHO depended on straightforward 3D toon movement movies to offer their stock.weblink

  4. Wow... I am waiting for the suicide hotline chat to load when I found this. Made me laugh. I get bullied a lot and almost gave up hope.πŸ–€Love you all. Hope hotline will help.
