Monday, September 20

Spark Off A Kindness Chain Reaction

window kindness chain reactionI didn't intend to write about kindness and gratitude again, but when coincidences pop up it's best to follow through with what they are indicating.

My wife and I did what we thought of as a kindness for someone. I won't go into details, it's private. I'm only mentioning it as an illustration of how kindness - as with gratitude, smiles, giving and so on - can set off a chain reaction.

A couple of days later we were discussing having our house facia boards, soffits, window frames and gutters (which are all white) cleaned as they were beginning to look a bit grubby. It's quite a job as our house is detached and has high eaves at the side, which are too high for a ladder. So not something I wanted to do myself.

In the meantime one of our sons saw a business van in trouble. It had broken down at the side of the road so he stopped to see if he could help. Being mechanically inclined he actually got their van up and running again. It took him quite a while but he told them he didn't want any money or anything in return. He was just pleased to help.

The two men in the van gave him a card and said if he ever needed anything doing they would be pleased to do him a freebie in return for his help.

He looked at the card and realised they were cleaners, doing all sorts of stuff from car valeting to ... yes, cleaning house facia boards and so on.

So this morning there was an early knock on the door and two men in a van turned up to clean the exterior of our house and all for free - as arranged by our son. As the cliche goes: one good turn deserves another.

Later that day a friend brought us a big box of vegetables she had grown in her garden. Too many for just my wife and I so we passed some on to others - and so the kindness chain reaction continues.

It's so simple to do something for someone else and it's a natural law that what ever we do - good or bad - is returned. When I say this some people - who consider themselves to be a bit spiritually superior - get annoyed and say that we shouldn't give help, money etc. expecting a return.

I actually agree with what they say but the reality is that we will be 're-paid' (the Bible confirms this, if this is your belief) - and in exactly the manner and mind frame in which we gave. Well, that's what I believe anyway.

Try it! Spark off a kindness chain reaction and see where it leads. Oh, and be grateful for what you recieve.

Further Reading:
Gratitude The Sacred Secret And The Law Of Attraction
It's Going To be a Special Day

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  1. Beautiful story. An act of kindness is nearly always returned in some way. But this one is so specific the odd are amazing!!

  2. could do with some good luck so will have to give your chain reaction thing a go

  3. What a lovely idea, how much better the world would be if we all looked after each other. Love thy neighbour!

  4. Anonymous08:14

    Yep. We do get what we pay forward. Generosity is a good place to start.

    the word verification for this post is: "ballycha" which makes me think of a fun dance. cha-cha!

  5. I absolutely agree. I always tell myself to not second guess when I'm giving - but to second guess when I'm not.
