The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) collates some varied sets of information. On their website, amongst other things, you'll find The World Factbook.
One of the statistics lists shows where you will find the highest life expectancy in the world. Might be useful if you want to outlive your peers - if you have the money and inclination to move, of course.
Top Countries For Long Life
(1) Monaco 89.73 years
(2) Macau 84.41
(3) San Morino 83.01
(4) Andorra 82.43
(5) Japan 82.25
(6) Guernsey 82.14
(7) Singapore 82.14
(8) Hong Kong 82.04
(9) Australia 81.81
(10) Italy 81.77 Two of the main groups of readers for this blog don't appear in the Top Ten, that's the UK and USA.
The UK are in 20th place living to an average of 80.05 years and, sorry, but USA are in a lowly 51st with 78.37 years.
The world's average life expectancy is 67.2 years
It's in some of the African countries where there are the biggest problems. Angola, Swaziland, Sierra Leone and Zaire have life expectancies of just over 40 years. Wars and famine play havoc but also in some of these countries HIV/Aids infection rates can be as high as 40% of the population.
Other than in four countries women outlive men, one of the exceptions being Afghanistan.
No matter what the statistics of a country may be it doesn't mean we have to accept the figures as individuals. I don't feel that we should ever set ourselves any limitations to any part of our existence.
We are already programmed to a certain degree by our upbringing, what we are taught, the media and what we witness. But we don't have to accept any of this. With a little effort we can set our own standards.
My own grandmother lived to nearly 104 so my attitude is that if she can, so can I - and perhaps a bit (no, a lot) extra as well. There's much I want to do!
Live long and prosper, whatever the CIA say.
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Good post! And pathetic statistics for the UK and US, especially the latter. The surprise on this list was Monaco. What is it about that country that lends itself to longevity? I'm with you on setting our own standards.