Monday, July 29

The Fraser Chronicle Asked If This Was A Miracle Or A Coincidence

Burrum Coalfst
Burrum Coalfest
The Fraser Coast Chronicle from Queensland, Australia had a headline that caught my attention: Miracle or coincidence at Coalfest church service?

Burrum were holding a Coal Discovery Festival to celebrate 150 years since coal was discovered locally by the Miller Brothers. They had the usual sort of things planned: a street parade, an old time dance, kids activities, working sheep dog demonstration and so on. No doubt lots of fun for the local population.

The main events were on Saturday and on the Sunday there was a church service to be held at the Burrum District Community Centre. They expected about 50 to 80 people to attend.

A Brian Hoole did an official head count of attendees and announced it from the stage. There were exactly 150 people celebrating the 150 years since the coal was first found.

Not sure this quite warrants the word miracle but definitely in the coincidence or synchonicity category. The Church parish pastoral council's Faye Wilkes-Johnson told the Chronicle, "The reaction was a case of 'Praise the Lord' - that was more or less what everyone was saying."

As, is often said, God works in mysterious ways!

Other Coincidence Stories:
The Incredible Saudi Arabia To Houston Coincidence
The Coincidences Of The 27 Club
The Coincidences Of Twins Growing Up Separately

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  1. I wonder how many Aboriginals were in the audience to celebrate this event ?

    1. Interesting - being over here that thought never crossed my mind. Take the point though.

  2. It's a good number synchro!
