Monday, March 24

The Fatwa, Noah And The Spirituality Of Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe in Noah
Russell Crowe in Noah - as featured in Event magazine
I'm not usually interested in the private thoughts or lives of actors, so called celebrities and so on but something I read about Russell Crowe rang true. He was talking about God and spirituality. This is what he is reported to have said by Event magazine (it comes free with the UK Sunday newspapers).

"I don't believe there's a crusty old bloke floating about on a cloud. I divide spirituality from religion. And I think organised religion has got a lot to answer for. How many wars have there been that haven't been based around an essential religious difference?

But I do believe in spirituality. I believe that God lives inside all of us. Life is about kindness and giving - that's the core of things. Gratitude is the most powerful thing you can have in your life. If you are grateful for small things, bigger things come. If you are cynical, the stuff you want to do never works out and your cynicism gets deepened and you get more embittered."

I don't he's too far away from the truth.

Crowe was talking on this subject because he has been working on a new movie, Noah, which is to be released in early April. The movie has already caused some controversy and this in turn illustrates a lot of the problems within organised religions.

Noah has been made the subject of a fatwa by some within Sunni Islam and has been banned by three countries already: Qatar, Bahrain and UAE. Event also claims that the movie is causing controversy "among Christian groups, particularly in the US, who are predicting the film will take liberties with the Book Of Genesis."

There will no doubt always be differing opinions about the Bible and whether it has been altered over the years. Crowe says that the director, Darren Aronofsky, has, "Read the translations of all the Bibles, from the Hebrew through to King James, and he's seen the way the story gets changed and perverted."

I'm far from an expert but I also believe that the Bible has been altered over the years and concur with what is written, for example, on the BBC News site by Roger Bolton. He writes:

"The world's oldest surviving Bible is in bits.

For 1,500 years, the Codex Sinaiticus lay undisturbed in a Sinai monastery, until it was found - or stolen, as the monks say - in 1844 and split between Egypt, Russia, Germany and Britain.

Now these different parts are to be united online and anyone, anywhere in the world with internet access will be able to view the complete text and read a translation.

For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's Bible.

The Codex, probably the oldest Bible we have, also has books which are missing from the Authorised Version that most Christians are familiar with today - and it does not have crucial verses relating to the Resurrection."

Codex Sinaiticus - see here
But it's up to us as individuals as to what we believe and we should also respect what others believe. No matter what, we are all basically the same and if we do believe in a God He surely won't favour some religions or races more than any others. How can He when we are all part of the same God?

Other Religious Posts:
Did The Old Testament Bible Copy From The Epic Of Gilgamesh?
The Creation Of Many Adam And Eves
God Created Earth 6016 Years Ago

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  1. I really think Russell Crowe's ideas pretty much match my own in this area. I just wish I could recall his sensible wording when I am confronted by certain friends or relations who are not inclined to see things in an open-minded fashion. Any tone they perceive as dismissive or"intellectualizing" of this topic is met with defensive rebuttal. They cant see any further than the "sheep" in front of them.

    1. Must admit I was surprised by Russell Crowe's words.

  2. Suzie09:24

    I agree as well with Russell Crowe's words. I can also understand why some suggest that talking about religion is best avoided. Some people are very stuck in their beliefs and won't listen to anything a little different from what they have been taught.

    1. I think spirituality is more important than any organised religion.

  3. Crowe nailed it on religion/spirituality. Interesting that the film has been banned.

    And he's so right about gratitude!

    1. I'd better say thanks for the comment then :-)
