Thursday, June 19

Pilgrim Fathers On The Mayflower Coincidence

People on the Mayflower 1620

Yesterday I wrote about Plymouth, the Mayflower and the Pilgrim Fathers.

By some strange syncro I came across the flollowing article in the Seattle Times:

"William S. Fuller followed the news with interest this week when detectives announced a strange lead in the search for a man who killed his friend's daughter two decades ago.

According to a new DNA analysis, the unknown suspect is a distant relative of Edward and Samuel Fuller, who crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower in 1620 - and he might even share their last name.

The present-day Fuller says that's just an awkward coincidence.

The 68-year-old worked with the father of 16-year-old Sarah Yarborough, who was raped and strangled in Federal Way in 1991. He spearheaded the effort to build a memorial for her.
Fuller said he doesn't know if he's related to the Pilgrims, but he is certain that no one in his family could be the culprit."

One of the photos I snapped while in Plymouth was a list of the Pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620. The names of Edward and Samuel Fuller are amongst them - towards the end of the list.

Names of Pilgrim Fathers who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620

There is also a list of Mayflower Passengers on Wikipedia.

Other recent Posts:
Plymouth: From Where The Pilgrim Fathers Sailed And Sir Francis Drake Played Bowls
How A Rabbit Made Me What I Am Today
Valletta: The City Built By The Knights of the Order of St John

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  1. Strange! You have to wonder about these underlying connections.
