Saturday, March 21

White Feather: A Sign Of Protection From Her Deceased Husband

White feather

It's a while since I published another white feather story but here's one that came fluttering down to me from Emma ****** - okay, by email.

I'm only 34 but a widow, my husband died last September, a horrible time for me as you can imagine. But since then I have been seeing white feathers. At first I didn't attach any importance to them but I started wondering about them because there seemed too many to be coincidence. I have now read many of the white feather stories on your blog which I found interesting.

The very first white feather I received was on my doorstep when I arrived home after my husband's funeral. I can now remember my sister saying, "Look at that," but I wasn't in any state to take it in.

For the next few days I kept finding feathers; in the garden, inside the house and when I went to the supermarket.

Three weeks after the funeral my sister asked me to go on holiday with her and her husband and two children to Devon. I immediately said no as I thought it disrespectful. They persuaded me a change of scenery would do me good and booked a cottage. I still had reservations about going.

We arrived in Devon, it was a lovely cottage and my room looked out onto the garden. I went to unpack my case and as I opened the lid there inside was a white feather. I have no idea how it got there, but it felt like my husband was giving me his approval.

As I walked out into the cottage garden there was another white feather and I actually smiled and felt like my husband was with me.

All of this may simply be me searching for comfort, but finding the feathers picks me up when I'm feeling down and I always say a thank you for the feather to my husband. I feel he is watching over me, in a protective way.

~ Emma

Other White Feather Posts:
The Meaning Of White Feathers As Messages From The Dead
10 White Feather Story Posts As Examples Of Messages From The Dead
White Feathers From The Spirit World Stories

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  1. Very sweet story and I hope she continues to find weathers when and where she needs them.

  2. It does seem that our loved ones who have passed on find ways to communicate with us. The white feather strikes me as an archetype.

  3. Mike this is a beautiful story! After my mother passed, I and a few other family members were constantly seeing butterflies in somewhat odd places. The power of love is very strong!
