Sunday, January 24

After 11 Years They Meet By Coincidence On The Hippie Trail

The Hippie Trail

A coincidence story from my clippings file from Tony Smith. It's always puzzling as to why such meetings come about and so far from home.

"As a boy, I lived in Bognor Regis [England] and attended Minshull House primary school in Middleton-on-Sea, West Sussex. When I left in 1959, age 11, for boarding school on the Isle of Wight I no longer saw my primary school friends. In 1967, I joined West Sussex police.

In 1970, I travelled overland to Australia with four friends. We went through Europe, working in Italy for a while.then carried on through Bulgaria, Turkey and Iran, where we stopped at a camp-site outside Tehran.

We'd just arrived when a British registered ex-ambulance pulled in. The four lads on board were on the Hippie Trail to India and Nepal. We began talking and found out they came from Bognor and went to the same primary school as me.

The chance of meeting fellow pupils after 11 years on one night in Iran is small I imagine."

~ Tony Smith

Hippie Van

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1 comment:

  1. These travel synchros always have such tremendous odds!
