Saturday, September 10

Home Of The Whopper Coincidence

Today's story from a 67 Not Out reader, Howard.

Near to where I live there is a McDonald's and a Burger King and I made my way to McD for a coffee. Once inside I had a strange feeling that I should go to Burger King instead. I followed my instincts and made my way there.

I bought a coffee, sat at a table and was about to read my newspaper when I saw a familiar face from my past. I felt sure it was an old friend from my Uni days. I went across to him and said, "Hello Dave."

Dave looked at me a little puzzled and couldn't place my face. "I'm Howard from our Uni days."

He then realised who I was. It had been the best part of twenty years, and we started talking about the 'good old days.'

Dave was passing through town so we exchanged email addresses and mobile numbers and I didn't think I would see him again.

Two days later I had to go to the local supermarket with my wife and parked next to a smart BMW. Sitting in the car was Dave and his partner!

They had decided to stay in town for an extra couple of days. That evening the four of us went out for a meal - definitely not Burger King or McDonald's!

Since then we have been regularly in touch. I'm still not sure why we were drawn together again after twenty years. Maybe the reason will become clear in the future.

~ Howard

Other Random Posts:
Money Fell Out Of Her Bra And Was Recovered from A Sewer
England: Durdle Door, Dorset.
The Immigration Coincidence Story

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  1. Another good one! Good thing Howard followed his impulse to go to Burger King instead!

  2. My 'most odd' recent coincidence: I just moved to a new city of about 1,000,000. I came here to work with a man I've known and adored for several years. Yesterday we were driving around a part of the city dong something for our business, and he mentioned that we were near the hair salon where he gets his hair cut sometimes. I looked up and it was the very same salon and hairdresser I had chosen and gone to myself, without any prior knowledge of his hair shop. What are the chances of that, in a city this size? It's a pretty small place... he went there on a referral from a friend, I chose her off Yelp.....maybe my friend's friend had found her on Yelp too, but I thought it was pretty unusual. Not as extraordinary as your story, but still a little unusual. We went in to go say hi to her....
