Thursday, November 1

Coincidence Of The Free Lego Hawkeye

Here's a personal strange coincidence.

On Sunday we went to buy our normal newspaper and on offer, with another (down-market) paper, was a free Lego toy.

Our two year old grandson loves Lego so we hummed and harred if we should buy the Sun as well. As the figure had a weapon we decided we wouldn't.

Here's the weird bit though that I can't explain. When we got home there was a Sun newspaper - with the free toy - in our letter box. No idea how it got there.

Later that day our grandson arrived for a visit so we gave him the Lego (after his mum had removed the weapon. She thinks like I do about such things).

We're still puzzled where the newspaper and toy came from but it looks like Samuel was meant to have Hawkeye, a Marvel Superhero.

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  1. When I hear about a character named "Hawkeye" I think of Hawkeye Pierce, the irreverent and brilliant doctor he became through the later years of the TV series M*A*S*H.

    Not that I want you to introduce your grandson to him but Hawkeye Pierce was all about getting rid of weapons. He had first hand experience repairing the damage inflicted on bodies.

    1. That's interesting Terri about Hawkeye Pierce, that fits nicely.

  2. Mike,when you mentioned taking the weapons off the toy,it reminded me of an English movie that I saw only a few weeks ago called "Son of Rambow".
    I never would have watched this movie,only it came in a five disc set with some other movies.
    His mother being a member of the Brethren Church won't let him see the movie "Rambo",which ends up leading to quite a dangerous adventure.
    I was a good movie,too,if you get the chance to see it.Funny and with a heart-warming message to boot.

    1. Son of Rambow: will look out for it. My own son never had toy guns or weapons as a kid - just never felt right to me to give them to him. But in saying that I always had toy cowboy guns and the like as a child and it certainly never made me violent. It's difficult to distinguish between nature and nurture.

  3. Very strange indeed.

  4. Wow. I wonder how it got in your mailbox? The universe delivers, I guess. Fascinating syncho.

    1. It's a complete mystery, still no answer as to how it got there,

  5. mari13:47

    maybe the universe wanted him to have the toy, weapon included lol. hawkeye isn't hawkeye without his arrow tho :( T___T

    1. At two years old he's not too bothered that Hawkeye isn't Hawkeye! But I get your point.
