Thursday, March 21

Joyce Sees Jinn Shadows Or Ghosts

Majlis al Jinn Cave, Oman: Known as the meeting place of the Jinn
Majlis al Jinn Cave, Oman: Known as the meeting place of the Jinn
A strange story from a reader today who wishes to be called Joyce. It's about, well I'm not altogether sure! The story mentions Jinn which, until I read the section copied from Wikipedia, I didn't know much about.

Perhaps someone can throw a few ideas as to what Joyce's shadows actually are. As usual the story has been accepted in good faith.

I read Kate's story on your blog about her ghost and decided to tell my story, but it may not be a ghost.

I see what I call shadows. They mostly aren't any definite shape but I see them whether it's daylight or night time. These shadows make me uneasy when there are on shiny or reflective surfaces. The shapes then appear to be more like people or some sort of being.

I feel that I get some sort of vibration from these shadows, sometimes these feel positive but at other times are negative and a little scary.

I say they are sometimes scary but they have never done me any harm, but sometimes they appear to follow me around which makes me feel uncomfortable, but never really, really frightened.

I've thought that the shadows could be ghosts or the spirits of dead people. If I am with other people and see them they can't. If I ask them if they can see anything they say no. I'm not imagining these things though.

I talked to a Muslim friend and he said they might be Jinn. I'd never heard of such things before so I looked them up on Wikipedia where it says:

"The jinn (Arabic: جن‎ ǧinn, singular جني ǧinnī; also spelled djinn), or genies, are spirits mentioned in the Qurʾān and Islamic theology who inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe of humans. Together, the jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of God. The Qurʾan mentions that the jinn are made of a smokeless and 'scorching fire', and they have the physical property of weight. Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have freewill like humans and unlike angels. The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qurʾan, and the 72nd surah is titled Sūrat al-Jinn."

What the shadows I see are I don't know but I wish I could stop seeing them especially when I'm on my own. I have said that they have never harmed me but when I see them on reflected surfaces like windows, mirrors or shiny surfaces they feel extra real and give off a vibration that effects my mood and the way I feel.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm crazy but I really do see these shadows, and they definitely aren't my own.

~ Joyce

Other 67 Not Out Ghost Like Stories:
10 Ghost Story Posts
Kate Thinks The Ghost Who Wants Sex With Her May Be An Incubus
Her Boyfriend's Ghost Interferes With Her Love Life

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  1. Anonymous07:23

    The Jinn were known to the Essenes, as well as mentioned in the Sumerian texts. The ancient Sumerians referred to them as Archons. One might be surprised at what they turn up by doing a little Googling on the subject. In fact, these soul suckers are pretty much responsible for all that is wrong in this dimension. Joyce would be wise to protect herself. She may feel they are doing no harm to her, but she would be wrong in that assumption. No fear though, we are working on remedying the situation. The light always wins over the dark.

    1. Thank you Anon for your wise words.

  2. I think I'd be very scared if that was happening to me. I've been frightened about things like this since I heard the phrase bogey man when I was little.

    1. It shows how careful we have to be with what we say to children - some things can stick with us through life.

  3. It sounds more like "shadow people" (I wrote a guest post on this topic here if you are interested: This person needs energy management - you cannot allow yourself to be influenced by any kind of entity in your sphere, especially when the feelings are negative or draining.

    1. Thank you Julie - for the link to your interesting article on Shadow People. I'm sure this will prove helpful. I've left a comment on your blog.

  4. An excellent book on this subject is The DJinn. The authors take a look at the DJinn through legends and history in various cultures.

    1. Thanks Trish, I must do some research on all of this and will look out for the book.

  5. Anonymous03:10

    If you play Soorah Baqarah aloud (a chapter from the Quran), it is believed jinn leave

  6. Anonymous16:13

    Jinn are not spirits or ghosts but living beings different from humans, creation of God Almighty. They have many abilities that we humans dont have. Commonly, they dont cause any harm unless they feel they are being disturbed or harmed.
