According to the Grand Grimoire each month has lucky and unlucky days.
For September the lucky days are the: 6th, 10th, 13th, 18th and 30th and the unlucky days are the: 13th, 16th and 18th. As you will have noticed, confusingly, the 13th and 18th are both lucky and unlucky - not too sure how that works.
The lucky days are supposedly the preferred days to cast spells.
It is claimed that The Grand Grimoire dates back to 1522 but, according to Wikipedia, it was possibly written some point after the 18th century. Other opinions say it may represent a translation of The Sworn Book of Honorius, a 13th-century text - but who knows!
Personally I feel that days are lucky or unlucky because of how we feel about them. In other words we make out own luck. In saying that there are still natural cycles where everything appears to go right (or wrong). It's on these day where we should perhaps either play to our strengths or alternatively maybe step back a little.
Have a lucky September!
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There are astrological cycles, but even with these it's what we do with the energy that counts!