Sunday, February 15

Vintage Photos Taken From My Google Plus Page - 10

Vintage 7 Up advertisement

More vintage illustrations - this time advertising. 7up for babies, surely not! But Fry's chocolate is fine, one of my favourites - especially Fry's Cream as per the picture I have added to the bottom of the ad.

Vintage advertisement for Fry's Cream

And back to the hard stuff - vintage Coca-Cola. May give you extra large shoulders!

Vintage Coca Cola Advertisement

Some ice cream.

Vintage advertisement for Meadow Gold ice cream

And finally for today, vintage Rowntree's Fruit Gums. I remember as a child we used to see how long we could make a gum last. Value for your pocket money that way!

Other Vintage Posts:
Vintage Photos Taken From My Google Plus Page - 9
Vintage Photos Taken From My Google Plus Page - 8
Vintage Photos Taken From My Google Plus Page - 7

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  1. Wow, a baby drinking 7-up!!

    1. That'll be good for his teeth!

  2. You've got some gems today. I'm with Trish - I cannot imagine giving that child seven up, or any other soft drink.

    I think we can still get Fry's chocolate... may have it confused with another that begins with an 'F'. Cola girl's eyes remind me of Elizabeth Taylor, for some reason.

    Thanks, Mike.

    1. Thanks Dixie - see what you mean about those Elizabeth Taylor eyes.
