Monday, April 18

Next To Him In A Casino Was A Remarkable Coincidence!

Coneygree Road, Peterborough
Coneygree Road, Peterborough
Back to coincidences today. I saw this one in the Daily Mail newspaper. dated 15th of April. It is from a John Williamson in the UK.

While staying for a few weeks at a friend's house in Seattle she took me to her local casino. She warned me to get only £15 worth of chips so I didn't end up boracic.

Never having been in a casino before, I opted for Blackjack, as I knew it was close to Pontoon, which I could play, and my friend went for the slot machines.

I sat at the table and the lady next to me, who happened to be English, noticed I was a bit uneasy so she gave me a few hints.

I asked where she was from, and she replied: "Peterborough.

I told her I used to live in Peterborough more than 52 years ago.

I continued: "Well, not actually in Peterborough, but the village of Stanground."

She said: "I'm from Stanground."

I then said: "I lived in Coneygree Road."

"So did I," she replied.

I told her my old house number and it turned out her son, still in Stanground, lived in the house next door!

Happy ending ... my friend had lost more than £70 on the slot machines, whereas I still had exactly £15, which I stuck on my last game, and came out with £30,

~ John Williamson, Fife

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  1. Another good travel synchro!

  2. A small world and a happy story about it!
