Tuesday, September 15

The Dressmaking Coincidence

Dressmaking cartoon

In some ways, today's post is similar to my previous post, as it illustrates how 'things' you wish for can come about very quickly.

For years my wife did dressmaking from home and was always very busy. Nowadays she only does occasional bits and pieces for friends - it's more of a social thing than anything else.

Anyway, on the day I am writing this, it's blowing a gale outside, the rain is in gusts and it's not a very good start, weather wise, to the morning.

Karin said, "I could do with a small dressmaking project on a day like this."

Within seconds the phone rang. It was one of her friends wanting some dressmaking done - just a small job. It was like magic!

So that's her settled for the afternoon: cups of tea and dressmaking.

But isn't it strange how such things happen, as also with the teapots yesterday? Precognition? Telepathy? Coincidence? Synchronicity? 

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  1. All of the above! Talk about a nearly instantaneous manifestation!
