A while back I had been reading about people who have, what I would call, nightmares. These are ones which feature a dark or black cloaked figure, usually thought of as being male.
I read of dozens of similar cases where this figure is often in the corner of the room or sometimes floats above the person having the 'nightmare'. Most describe the figure as being evil. One woman wrote, "It reeks pure evil and I just know it’s there to hurt or kill me. I have never felt such fear in all my life."
Another woman told of how, "I find myself sitting straight up screaming. Should my husband try to grab my arm or wake me up, it just makes it worse. I have kicked, scratched and hit him. He's a 250 pound man and I only weigh 120 but I have kicked him clear off the bed and onto the floor thinking he was someone trying to attack me."

"Also for some reason the number 2 seems to play a prominent role, with some dreams starting with me fixated over the impression that I am surrounding with a great number of people before that number becomes divided down into two, as in me and the presence."
I have only ever had one nightmare in myself. It was as a child of 4 or 5 but is still imprinted on my mind. I dreamt that I was being chased by the number 2! I remember my mother afterwards telling me how I was standing up in my bed pointing to the corner of the room where I was insistent that a number 2 was coming to get me. To this day, I can still remember how terrified I was of that number 2.
Fortunately, though, I have nothing against the number 2 nowadays!
It's fascinating though, how many people have dreams / nightmares / night terrors about evil dark figures and how sometimes a number 2 is involved.
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Intriguing stuff here, Mike. I've never heard about this. Your dream is very weird. I can see why you still remember it!